chapter six - torture

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The next morning, I wake up on the couch by myself, so I assume Wall left while I was sleeping. I go upstairs to my room so I can get ready for school when I hear the shower running. I look out a window to see no car in the driveway. Mom's not home, the boys are with there friends. There's no way Wall is showering in my  bathroom.

"Wall?" I call from the hallway.

"Morning, Mustard!" he yells.

Oh, sweet baby Jesus.

"Why are you here?!"

"Why not?!"

I roll my eyes and walk into my room, grabbing a change of clothes. "Hurry up and get out, I need to shower!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!"

Ten minutes later, the water turns off and out steps shirtless, water dripping, jaw-dropping Wall with only a towel around his waist.

Oh, sweet baby Jesus.

His body is toned to perfection, his broad chest muscled nicely all the way down to his stomach. My nerves were shaking and I really wanted to at least just touch -

"See something you like, Kitten?" he suddenly purrs huskily.

I look up, Wall grinning at me as he begins walking towards me, and I scoff, clearing my throat and pushing him back by his chest. "As if."

He chuckles and I grab my towel and clothes, walking into my bathroom. I take as quick of a shower as I can after I brush my teeth, then I climb out of the shower to get dressed, but I see my clothes are gone.

I growl, "Wall!"

A pause.

"Yes, Mustard?" an innocent voice coos from outside my bathroom door.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Oh, I have no idea what you're talking about." There's a laugh hidden somewhere in his tone.

I wrap myself in my towel and open the door, pushing past him. "You're not funny, I need to get dressed."


I glance over and see him grinning at me and biting his lip.

Fuck my life.

I quickly look away. "Knock it off and give me my clothes back."

"I think I like you more in this, honestly."

"God, you're so annoying!" I groan. He's trying to make me flustered.

And it's working.

I look in my closet for a new outfit since I know Wall won't give me my other outfit back.

As I look on my shelves and through the hooks, hands suddenly gently place on my upper ribs, making my eyes widen as they slowly travel down to my hips.

This is not happening again.

The tip of a nose then gently circles behind my ear and my heart clenches, my mind fogging, my knees trembling. I hate this.

I hate this.

I hate this so much.

I hate this more than anything.

I do not love this.

I don't love this.

I don't.

. . .


I love this.

"You get so nervous," Wall then chuckles softly, his hands gently clenching my hips.

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