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Chapter 6


We read the slip and I take the pen from the box. "What are you picking?" Edan asks "Scarlet" I reply "Any reasons?" she asks. I hesitate "Yes, but I shouldn't tell you." "Sorry didn't mean to get on your bad side." I mark the box where it says scarlet.

"What are you picking?" I ask her "forest green, but I also have a reason I can't tell you." She smiles.

I can't help but smile. We sit on our beds.

"Soooo any special guy?" I ask. "Not yet..." she trails off.




"Well there was this guy on the monorail I helped out, but otherwise fine."

It's silent for the next few minutes as we explore the dorm. I find out there is a closet that opens with a hand-scan. I look in the bathroom to find two white towels, unscented soap, unscented shampoo and conditioner, and unscented deodorant.

"Wow! I have never been in a world so boring and unscented." I call out to Edan. She giggles "Yeah... so what's your story?" she asks-what's with all the questions.

"What do you mean?"

"Your life story, like how you ended up how you are."

"Do you really want to know?" she turns "yes"

"Ok, so I was an outcast. My parents and I ran away when I was born. I was born in server 7. We ran to server 18 and lived there until I was twelve. My mother gave birth to another child, Annabelle. I loved her. Then there was a fire that killed her...and my dad." I begin to cry. "So we ran away again, me and my mother. That's when we came across 13." I sit down.

"Oh... that's horrible... wait why'd you run away?" I forgot the question was coming.

I think of a really good lie "Crimes!" I blurt out.

"Wow you really put yourself out there didn't you" she exclaims. "What's your story?" I feel the need to ask.

"I was born. I grew up. My mother died. I grew up more. My dad became rich. Here I am."

"Well that's simple. I just poured out my heart and soul making up the saddest story in history, and then you come up with the most boring story I could think up of."

"Aw thanks that's makes me feel better about my life" we giggle.

We here a beep from an intercom. I look at the clock. It's 12:00. There is a raspy women's voice saying "Good morning new students of 13 B.S. (stands for boarding school, but I can't help but laugh) every day you will wake up by an alarm at 6:00. Fail to wake up at this time *laughing* good luck. You will put your arm in the slot to your right on your given bed. A silicon band will go on your wrist with your schedule. Breakfast is always at 7:00. It ends at 7:35 Lunch is always at 12:00nds at 12:35 and finally dinner is always at 17:00 ends at 17:35 after dinner you may go to the Hub next door, but be sure you are back by 21:00 or you will be locked out until the gate open after the next dinner. Passing time is 5 minutes, and you have 15 minutes before meals to get cleaned up and use the bathrooms. As you know next month is the 300th anniversary of World War III, so we will be switching servers then. Oh and by the're late for lunch!"

The intercom beeps and it's silent. I look at Edan and she looks at me. "You heard her, we're late!"

We head down the stairs because it's probably quicker than using any o the four elevators, that's when we realize on the 19th floor we are on the 21st floor.

"You know there is something I've always wanted to try?" I ask Edan. "What?" "This!" I sit on the rail and hold on. Soon enough Edan is right behind me.

We pass a few dumb people on the way and they start sliding. Soon we are at the bottom with a chain of like ten people behind us.

We get to the bottom floor and follow the flashing green arrows leading us to the cafeteria.

When we get there it's empty. "Way funner and faster" I tell Edan. She agrees.

We get in line to where we get our food. Everyone gets a sandwich of their choice, ham, BLT, turkey, and cheese. Everyone gets water. I sit down at any table because I'm the first one.

The tables are round with five chairs around. I sit at a random table and Edan sits beside me.

"Man, I thought you were like a shy goodie-two-shoes." She looks at me. "You have no idea." I say back.

A minute passes and he sits beside me with another guy Edan is suddenly interested in.

"Hi." Chrys says setting down his tray. "I can see you made a new friend besides me." I tell him. "Ha, Ha very funny. No but this is Wendell, I call him Dell, Dell this is Blaze."

"Hello Blaze, wait Chrys who is this girl?"

"I don't know. Blaze?"

"Oh, this is Edan my room mate."

"Hi, Nice to meet you guys."

"So Blaze, Edan, what color sweatshirts did you pick out? Since it a Big Deal'" "Well I picked out the color scarlet and Edan pick out neo-forest green." Edan interrupts me. "What colors did you guys pick out?" she asks Dell impractically. "I chose silver" "and I chose baby-blue."

"Have you notice that our conversations are really boring." We all laugh.

Edan gestures her head over at Chrys when he isn't looking. I nod. I do the same to Dell. She nods.

We all look at each other and smile. The smile on my face fades when I hear a plate crash to the ground.

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