"did you hear any of there plan while held hostage?" Bruce asked.

"No. " Annabeth shook her head.

"well, we're off to a good start. " Tony grumbled crossing his arms.

"there's another thing I should tell you guys..." Annabeth trailed off a bit.

"what?" Steve asked.

"uh... I heard calypso say that Nick Fury was possessed by and Eidolon..." Annabeth said.

"a what?" Tony asked.

"a possessing spirit. " Annabeth said, almost rolling her eyes if it weren't such a serious moment.

"so your telling us, Director Fury was possessed this whole time? Well, makes sense. " Tony said.

"But," Annabeth started. "Fury's director of S.H.E.I.L.D, only one of the BIGGEST military information distributers. Image it, all of the intelligence, and pretty much information on who ever you want and ANYONE'S location. If you want to take I've the world, thats probably where you'd start. "

There was a collection of various 'ohs' around the room. First they take over S.H.E.I.L.D and then they manage to hypnotize one of the worlds strongest beings.

And no one knows their next move.



That's how I felt. It was as if I was trapped inside my own body, unable to control any of my own actions. I wonder if being possessed by an Eidolon was similar to this...

But being trapped was just barely scratching the surface of what it felt like. My brain felt as if it was being turned inside out, and strange thoughts that weren't mine started intruding in on me. My thoughts and those of another, (probably Loki) where being entangled and I started doubting.

It was beginning to get harder and harder to remember who I was. I attempted to look around and see where I was, but of course I couldn't so I just had to live with the view I had.

I saw Loki and Calypso standing in front of me, so I didn't really get a terrific view. But it appeared to my that they where wearing regular clothes, Loki was wearing a suit, and Calypso a pear of jeans a white shirt and sandals.

I wouldve looked at what I was wearing to see if anything changed, but of course couldn't. I was already getting tired and sick of this. And its only been what? Half an hour?

"now," Calypso started. "our first goal is to get rid of any.. Uh, complications. "

"The Avengers. " Loki grinned. "the three of us combined can easily crush them. "

"we just need a way to get them out of there tower. " I heard myself say, but it didn't even sound like myself. There was this.. I don't know, strange edge to my voice I had never heard before.

"that will be easy enough. Percy, I will let you do the honors of attacking some civilians. " Calypso smiled.

I was horrified. They were going to make me hurt innocent people. I wanted to protest so badly, but I couldn't. I felt my mouth open to say something but it immediately shut. Did I actually do that? Out of my own free will? It was a small action, sure, but it was at least something.

Then Calypso snapped her fingers again and I felt that ticklish feeling again, and I found myself standing in the middle of the street right in front of Stark Towers. I also saw a regular sword laying five feet in front of me.

I felt myself walked towards it and pick it up. I heard gasps from around me and I turned around, grasping the sword tightly.

"Who first?" I asked venomously. Though NOT on my own free will.

Then I charged at the nearest person- a mother and her child tightly holding her hand. I heard screams of terror, as I raised my sword.

I wanted to stop myself, do anything to stop it. Inches from the mothers head, my sword stopped, it took all my will power but it happened. Seeing her chance the mother grabbed for child and ran.

As soon as they where our of reach the sword finished it stroke that would've killed someone, but didn't. People ran and screamed in terror. And to think it was because of ME.

I still felt all of the things I did, so when I felt the familiar tugging in my gut and saw a nearby fire hydren explode, and a stream of water flying out I was not excited to see the turn out.

I heard a familiar sound and imposter me looked up. I saw Iron Man. I have honestly never been so relieved in my life. Well maybe I was, but at the moment wasn't.

"Percy, put the sword down. " Tony (or Iron Man) told me.

"make me. " I taunted. Though with all my heart I wanted to make all this end.

"I didn't want to have to do this.. But you left me no choice. Im sorry Perce. " Iron Man said, lifting up his hand and it started glowing. But I felt myself smirk, and a stream of water hit Tony, sending him flying into a nearby car.

I turned around just in time to see a shield coming straight at my face. I ducked and it flew straight over my head, and I saw all the rest of the Avengers,except Tony because he was laying on a car behind me, but even Bruce was there, but he luckily wasn't turned into the Hulk.

But I noticed someone that wasn't an Avenger standing there. It was Annabeth. I wanted to call out to her, but I couldn't. Annabeth stepped out towards me. I wanted to tell her to step back, I was terrified of what I could do to her.

"Percy, please, don't do this. " She begged. I felt my grip loosen on the sword a little, and she must've noticed this. "put the sword down, please. "

"No!!" I screamed. My grip re-tightened on the sword. "I was weak before but now I am stronger. But with you out of the way, I will be unstoppable. "

Then I charged Annabeth.

[A/N] wow.... That was... Wow.... I feel so cruel... But it's worth it >:3

QOTD: "not your fault, Brother. Kronos does not explode good. Next time we use a big stick. " ~Tyson, the Last Olympian

Who doesn't LOVE Tyson?! ^.^ ok, 25 vote and 10 comments for an update!! You are all probably dieing to find out what happens ^.^






Peace, love and Waffles!!!

~Camp_SkittleZ_Blood the evil author >:3

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