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Harry lets out a sigh as he stares down at the clipboard in his hands. It's only three hours into his eighteen hour shift and he desperately needs a break. Apparently, the patients have the naive idea that they can leave the room and roam the building doing whatever they want. He had to chase down three patients who disappeared from their room that was left unattended due to their nurses losing track of them. One patient would have walked in on a surgery if Harry hadn't caught her in time.

Now, he was on his way to the head nurse's office so he could privately discuss the impending issue of her inability to do her job. She lets her nurses run wild and most of them don't show up for their shift. It's taking a toll on the doctors and nurses who are actually trying to do their job and Harry has had enough.

"Good evening, Dr. Styles." A soft voice murmurs as he passes through the empty halls. He glances back to see who the voice belongs to and blanches at the sight of Dr. Taylor Swift. She is a talented and beautiful surgeon who has been here at Rose Valley two years longer than he has. She is great at what she does and can be kind when it benefits her but she gives Harry an eerie feeling. He had to reject her on multiple occasions and it makes him uneasy how persistent she is.

"Good evening, Dr. Swift. I hope you've had a good day so far." He replies smoothly as he fiddles with his watch. He clicks his tongue when he sees the time and realizes he needs to leave now to catch the head nurse before she leaves for her unauthorized three hour lunch break. Taylor's giggle reminds him of her presence and his eyes snap back to her smiling face.

"I have now that I've seen you." She tells him softly with a slight smirk, her eyes scanning the expanse of his body. Harry internally cringes at how the beta was trying to flirt with him, feeling uncomfortable with her violating gaze. He clears his throat after a moment and nods his head slightly as he takes a step back towards the elevator. He presses the up arrow and attempts to give her a small, polite smile.

"Well then, I have to go now. I have an important meeting to attend with the head nurse. Uhm, have a nice night." He backs into the elevator as his left eye starts to twitch at the sight of her sickly sweet smile. He turns around when the doors close and runs a hand through his unruly hair. He leans his head against the cool metal and lets out a deep breath. She always manages to get under his skin and it aggravates him.

The elevator rolls to a stop and the doors open just as Harry turns back around. He steps out and looks around to see nurses scurrying around, maneuvering in and out of rooms. It was an unusual sight that had Harry's eyebrows furrowing in confusion. There are never this many nurses on duty and they are never this active either. He shakes his head and brushes it off as he makes his way down the hall to the big office at the end.

Once Harry was in front of the office, he knocks three times and inhales slowly. He pauses when he smells the unfamiliar sweet scent of honeysuckle. He has no idea where it could be coming from because it definitely wasn't Sheila's scent. It was oddly calming and had Harry's blood boiling. He glances at the sign on the door and raises his eyebrows at the sight of the plaque hanging up.

"Louis William Tomlinson?"

"Come in." A melodic voice suddenly sounds through the door, taking the alpha by surprise. His palms start to get clammy and he tries to calm the sudden racing of his heart. That voice was something he's never heard before and Harry finds himself wanting to listen to it for the rest of his life. He frowns at these unexpected rush of emotions, trying to find the strength to open the door. After a silent moment, he twists the door handle and pushes it open. He lets go of the knob and lets the door swing to the side, slowly revealing the sight that'll calm his anxious nerves.

In front of him stood an omega. A male omega. A beautiful male omega with bright blue eyes and cheekbones that looked as if they were chiseled by God himself. Stubble shadowed his face and his long eyelashes brushed against the swells of his cheeks when he blinked. Harry's lips slightly parted and his ears began to ring. Who was this beautiful creature? And why hasn't Harry seen him before?

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