Ch. 25 - The circle

Start from the beginning

Irene who had been revived, was still somewhat in shock and had to be helped to the wagon by her father and Mrs. Bailey.

Mark on the other hand was dragged out of the church semi-conscious and dumped into the back of Constable Hill's wagon. He had a pair of shackles so as to keep his prisoner secure and locked him up until they could reach the county jail.

A few minutes later, all the wagons departed and headed their different ways. It was about a 2 miles down the road, when Constable Hill heard Mark starts to groan.

Ignoring it at first, Constable Hill soon heard the groans getting louder.

"Aieeshh... It hurts."

"Nah, be quiet." The constable snapped back.

But Mark kept groaning louder and louder as if he was in great pain, "I think she broke half my ribs. Please, look at it. Urghh... I- I think I need a doctor."

"Alright," said Constable Hill as he brought the wagon to a halt. The constable quickly got off the front and got in the back where Mark was curled up in a ball on the floor of the wagon looking like he was in pure agony.

"Alright now, let me look at it." Said the constable as he walked up to him.

That's when Mark, though shackled, hopped up and kicked the constable in the groin. Before he could even react, Mark jumped on top of him.

Unaware of what happened to the constable, Irene and her father arrived home a short while later. Still very upset and in shock, Mrs. Bailey helped her out of her wedding dress and into bed for a rest. Irene barely knew what to think, she had honestly thought that Mark was a decent upstanding man. She had been so angry at Seulgi for accusing of him being a thief and the Korean rebel just might had done it out of jealousy.

But today it became painfully clear that he was a thief, liar, gambler and a womanizer. Not to mention it was obvious he didn't care of her in the slightest. Another thought happened to her as she lay in bed. Where was Seulgi?

Emily who had arrived a short while later in a second carriage, with Mr. Bailey and Robert, sought out Mr. Ferrer right away.

She found him in the upstairs hallway.

"Mr. Ferrer, Sir."

"Yes, Emily?"

Emily handed him the letter, "I saw Seulgi outside of the church. She told me to give you this. "

"I wanted to speak with her, and what is this?"

"She said it's her resignation letter. She said her mother is fallen ill and needs to return home right away. She apologizes but said she needs to leave as soon as she may. She will be leaving this night."

He opened the letter and read the contents without expression.

"Thank you, Emily." He said quietly as he put the letter down on a table in the hallway.

Mr. Ferrer was quiet perplexed by the recent turn of events and frankly didn't know what to make of them. Leaving the letter where he put it down, he walked to his study to think.

Irene had fallen asleep, but slept fitfully. After about two hours she awoke and went to find her father. However as she walked into the hallway she spotted a piece of paper. Curious, she picked it up and read;

"Dear Mr. Ferrer,

This letter is to formally announce my immediate resignation. I am truly sorry to not be able to give more notice but I have gotten word that my mother has fallen ill and must return home immediately. I will be packing my things and leaving as soon as I can. Thank you very much for giving me a chance to work in your household, I found it an enlightening experience.

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