Trying to get in Touch

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   So after I saw he made it, I was totally stoked for him. So I started to see how I could get in touch with him. But then I started to freak out a little, I was thinking that if I went up to him he wouldn't even remember me. OMG! I could already see it happening. I would try to find him in the state he lives in, go up to him, reintroduce myself, and he would be totally oblivious to the entire situation. That would be total embarrassment!

   So to save myself the face-to-face embarrassment, I decide to get to him the creepo way. I look up some of those die hard fans on Instagram. You know, they go to the most extreme limits, to get information on him.

   I found a fan who had his e-mail and phone number. I just decided to use his e-mail, so that I didn't seem that creepy. This is how my e-mail went.

To: Charlie McDermott

From: Lyric Daniels

   Hey Charlie, this is Lyric. I hope you remember me. We grew up together. I'm so happy for you, I saw you on The Middle! I really don't know what else to say. So if you want to, you can e-mail me back. Bye.

   So as you can see I'm a very awkward person. Conversation is not my thing. So he did reply back to me. This is what he said.

To: Lyric Daniels

From: Charlie McDermott

   Wow! Lyric! I thought I would never hear from you again. Honestly, I don't have much to say either, so here's my number. 555-2023. Call me when ever you get a chance. Bye.

So, yea. We need to get used to each other again. I promise, I've never had a more awkward conversation in my life. But at least we didn't have to have that awkwardness face-to-face.

   So time went on. We were once again inseparable. He even wanted me to move to California. I wasn't very sure at first, then I saw opportunities to further my career. So I thought moving to Cali wouldn't be so bad. This brings us to present day. 

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