Kihyun: My anger took over

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The photos were me and Shownu. We were in the café. Wonho scanned the photos one by one and he looked at me with his dirtiest look ever.

"Y/N, explain this. What is this?!"

"I....I..." I stuttered.

"You what?!" Kihyun yelled. I flinched in fear.

"I dont know.." I started crying.

"Is that all you can say, y/n?!" He yelled again.

"I will never cheat on you Kihyun. Whoever took those photos, it's not what you think! Shownu is my bestfriend's boyfriend. Shownu is my friend. He is like a brother to me. What made you think that I will cheat on you?!"

"Friends do not hold hands for an hour, y/n" he replied.

"But I did not...It's just holding hands. It did not mean anything!"

"Y/N! What the fuck do you mean?! You held hands with him more than we do!"

"I said there is nothing going on with us okay!!"

"Well why would you go out with him, hold hands IN THE FUCKING CAFETERIA THAT IS 15 MINS AWAY FROM OUR DORMITORY HUH?! So I would not see you huh? Tell me!!"

"FINE! If you think I cheated on you then do not change your mind! There's no use of explaining anymore. Let your thoughts eat you! I don't care anymore since you do not even bother to listen to me!!" I yelled and stormed away from the living room.

I went out. I did not care whether one of them followed me or not. All I wanted was to put my mind in peace and pour out all my anger.

It was -10° outside. I was only wearing my jogger pants, and a white tee. My body started to shiver from cold. I couldn't find any place to make my body warm, except the nearest convenience store in the corner of the road.

I entered the store and sat on the empty stall. I started hugging myself tightly and my feet started to fidget on its own.

I waited for hours to calm my mind. It was 7pm when I came in the store and sat there for a whole 3hrs without doing anything.

It was already 10:30pm and I had not eaten anything yet.

"Miss, are you okay?" The store owner asked me.

"Y..yes ahjussi" I sniffed.

"Couple problems?" He asked.


"Did you eat already?" He asked.

"N..not yet"

"Here. Take this cup of noodles. No charge. Eat and keep your body warm"

"Thank you ahjussi" I bowed thanking him.

"You know. There was also this guy who loved to stay here whenever he had an argument with his fiance" I looked at him while chewing the food in my mouth.

"He went here a while ago. He had this envelope with photos. He did not show me those photos but he told me that his fiance cheated on him"

You froze. The store owner was talking about Kihyun. Every details from his mouth were exactly about Kihyun. You looked down and your tears started to fall again.

"He also told me that he loves his fiance so much. He loves his fiance more than he loves himself. But he doesnt really know why she cheated on him"

After a long talk, the store owner left me. I slurped the last drop of the noodle soup and I stood up. I was about to throw the cup in the trash when suddenly, I felt dizzy. I started limping and I lose my balance. Dropping my body on the floor and all I could remember was the store owner shouted for help.

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