When I Was Your Man

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"When I Was Your Man"
Written and Edited by: Jasmine💜

"Same bed
but it feels just a little bit bigger now...
Our song on the radio
but it don't sound the same."



After i caught Richie and Bill kissing last night, i went straight back to my cabin and cried for hours. And if you think I'm just being overly dramatic...well, i don't give a shit because i might've just lost my favorite person in the world, the only boy I've ever loved, for good.

I woke up and looked at the clock that read 7:42am. I groaned and sat up tiredly, wondering what time i finally fell asleep at.
I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a hung-over homeless man. My eyes were blood-shot and i had bags underneath from crying, and my hair was a disaster. I shrugged and climbed back into bed, not caring one bit about what i looked like right now.

I tried to get some more sleep but i couldn't, my mind wouldn't let me forget about Bill.
Just then, the door flung open and i quickly shot up when i noticed Bill running in and rushing around, throwing his clothes and belongings everywhere.
I wiped my eyes and tried to look as if i hadn't been crying for hours.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he quickly spun around and I noticed how stressed he looked.

"Stan! W-What are you d-doing in bed still?! We're l-late, the b-buses are l-leaving in 20 minutes!" Bill said, as he grabbed my suitcase and put it down next to me. I forgot it was the day we leave camp and go home.

"Oh." Is all i said as i took my suitcase and started to pack up. I looked over my shoulder and stared at Bill. His hair was all in his face, and he just looked so cute. Well, he always does. It's really hard to be mad at him.

"Are you o-okay?" Bill asked, as he stopped what he was doing and stared back at me. I quickly broke our gaze and looked down, continuing to pack.


"W-What Bill."

"I asked y-you a q-question?" He said, walking over to me and started rubbing my back. "Are y-you okay?"

I flinched and moved away, grabbing my packed suitcase and walking out the door without saying a single word. I couldn't talk to him right now, i needed more time to think.

I got to the buses and stood with a bunch of kids waiting to be let on. Suddenly i felt something whack my leg, so i swung around, only to see the one and only Richie Tozier standing in front of me.

"Oh...hey Stan. Sorry i hit you with my big-ass suitcase." He mumbled. I noticed how he was avoiding eye contact with me.

"Well why don't you and your dumb suitcase go somewhere else that's not near me?" I spat, not waiting for him to respond as i climbed onto the bus. He quickly followed after me, though.

"What the fuck is your problem today?" Richie asked. I turned around and looked at his face, then his lips. Lips that were on my boyfriends.

"You are." I shot back.

"Geez take a chill pill, all i did was nudge you with my bag. And it was an accident."

"You're an asshole who did way more than just that and you know it." I retorted as i walked to the end of the bus and plopped down in a seat. I prayed Richie wouldn't follow me back here because if i see his face one more time i don't think i could resist the urge to punch him. I felt so angry and upset and betrayed that one of my best friends would go behind my back...with my boyfriend. Does he not know how much Bill means to me? I know he does, he just doesn't care. I bet it's all a hormonal thing, Eddie won't have sex with him so he moves onto my boyfriend hoping he can get in his pants.
I won't let that happen.

I shot up and walked past Richie in his seat, then right up to Bill who was walking down the aisle. I grabbed his face and smashed my lips into his. I felt him flinch and push my chest, pulling away.

"Stan what's g-gotten into y-you?" He said, looking around at all the people staring and a blush formed on his face.

"Nothing, i just had an urge to kiss my beautiful boyfriend." I made sure to say 'my' extra loud so Richie could hear. I grabbed Bill's hand and walked him back to my seat, passing Richie on the way who had his mouth slightly open. He quickly shut it and stared out his window.

Once we were seated, the bus started to move and drove away from the camp. I looked back and thought of all the memories i had here this summer; some good, and some bad.

An hour later on the bumpy ride back home, Bill started yawning and rested his head on my shoulder. I looked at the top of his head and wondered how he could cheat on me and not feel bad at all.
What if that wasn't the first time him and Richie have kissed? Or what if it was and now they're catching feelings for eachother?
Or what if they have actually been together all summer and I'm just now finding out?!
I wonder if they've already had sex...that kiss last night sure looked like it could've lead to more.
What if all those times Bill said he wasn't ready, he really meant he didn't want to have sex with me because he already has Richie?

My thoughts were interrupted by the bus jolting to a stop. I knew it was time to get off since we were on my street. I nudged Bill lightly and he shot up quickly.

"Sorry, i didn't mean to scare you." I said, rubbing his arm. "We're home now."

He looked around as he stretched, then we started to walk off the bus with Richie and Eddie. Since we all live on the same street, we always walk home together. But i wasn't in the mood to be anywhere near Richie, so i hung back and walked behind them. Eddie turned his head and noticed i was walking alone, so he left Richies side and walked over to me.

"Are you okay?" He started. "You just left last night without a word. Not to mention it was dark and i had to walk back to my cabin alone."

"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry Eddie!" I said, realising that i forgot all about him last night.

"It's okay, you can make it up tonight by spending it at my house! My mom is going to probably kill me with kisses when i get home, so you can be my excuse to get away." Eddie smiled as i nodded my head.

"Yeah sounds good, we can go now if you want since i already have my clothes." I said, motioning to my suitcase. When we got to Eddie's house, he kissed Richie on the cheek and started to walk into his driveway. I looked back at Bill before joining Eddie.

"I'm spending the night at Eddies, so I'll see you tomorrow at school." I said to Bill, without kissing him goodbye. He doesn't deserve it after what he did to me.

"O-Okay...i l-love you!" Bill called out to me.

I shut the door and started to cry.

Ugh my stenbrough heart wants them to be happy and fluffy 😩💞


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