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I woke up the next day, still at my desk, my head throbbing with embarrassment. I groaned softly. I knew I'd have to see him today. I pulled myself up, shrugging on my lab coat. I had already changed my trousers, so there was no need to worry. Maybe he wouldn't even remember what happened. I mean, it was quite late, after all! I smiled to myself and walked out of my office with newfound hope, shimmering like the reflection of the Sun on water in my heart. I walked down the hallway, clutching my clipboard tightly with one hand. I flushed slightly as I saw Hendrik, but waved shyly "H-Hey..." He looked at me, clearly in the midst of thought, but he blushed up quickly and darted away from me, as quick and agile as a gazelle. I sighed heavily, looking down. I should've known he wouldn't forget. I felt like I had a massive black cloud hovering over me, one of despair, embarrassment... Of shame. That's what it was. Shame. And I had to do something about it. I quickly walked down the hallway to Tom's office, and I knocked on the door, the apparently 'special' knock that I always do. He laughed, beckoning me inside. "What'd ya want my dude?" I told him the entire story, about how I'd been working late, how I must've fallen asleep, how I'd had a dream about Hendrik and how he'd woken me up. By the end of it, he was covering his mouth, laughing into it. "It ain't funny!" I growled at him. "I wanted Hendrik to be mine, and now it'll never happen!" Tom just sniggered, rolling his eyes. "Stop fuckin overreacting, will you? Just go into surgery today with him and-" I could hardly believe my ears. I stood up, in a torrent of rage. "Go into surgery? With HIM?! He won't let me work with him! He'll run away from me! Why the fuck do you think it's a good idea?!" Tom stood up too, folding his arms. "I'm your best friend, idiot. I have a fucking plan. It's under control." I stayed growling at him for as long as I could, before my face softened and I started laughing. I couldn't be mad at Tom for long. He reached over the desk and hugged me, laughing. "So you'll let me do my thing?" I looked down at him, as he's a small child. Very small. And nodded. "Alright, as long as you promise me that you won't fuck it up." He smiled, and opened his door. "I won't!"

Hey, sorry this is such a short chapter! But all the drama happens in the next one, I promise!
-Dewdrop <3

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