"Maybe your hair. It's pretty red." I tease him by shoving his shoulder slightly.

"Watch it! I bruise easily." He fakes a pout at me.

"Mm kinky."

"Ave- .. wait," he stopped himself from what he was about to say. "You can't know what kinky is, you've never had sex."

"You don't have to have sex to know what kinky means."

"I guess you're right, but you can't know if you are kinky."

"I never said I was."

"You neve said you weren't."

"Like you just said, I wouldn't know if I were."

"Do you not like, watch porn?"

"I have before, but not really. It's unrealistic."

"People can make it realistic."

"It's unappealing."

"You're one weird girl, you know that, Ave?"

My cheeks flushed too much around this boy, I swear.

"I - I mean I guess."

He stopped right in front of my doorstep. "Don't guess, Ave." he pinched my cheek. "You're definitely a weirdo."

I shook my head as I reached for the dooorknob. As soon as the door opened, Sarah came running to me. "You are an idiot Avery Parkins." She scolds me.

"First I'm a weirdo, then I'm an idiot. What is this, let's pick on Avery day?" I guide Scotty through my house as Sarah follows us. "No, but you can at least text me every now and then to let me know you aren't dead. Or at least try to spend time with your cousin!"

"Okay, Mom." I tease her as we enter my room. "This is Scotty. We are all hanging out at his house tonight to watch movies." I open my drawers searching for some comfortable clothes. He walks closer to her and shakes her hand.

"Wow, a gentleman." She states. "You're really cute and you smell like weed. I think I like you." I rolled my eyes at her horrible attempts at flirting.

"Sarah, that's enough." I told her. "Stop flirting with my friends."

"Jealous, are we?" Scotty asked up.

"I have absolutely no reason to be." I lied.


By the time we got back to Scotty's, the blanket fort was complete. "Wow, I didn't think you guys had it in you."

"Well Scotty, to be honest I didn't either." Matt sounded proud when he spoke.

He opened the sheet 'doorway' to let us inside. Pillows were sprawled out everywhere along with blankets. Everyone inside was basically cuddling with each other. Liza was on top of David, Heath, Zane, and Gabbie were all squished together and lying on one another, and Alex has a few stuffed animals. Todd was cuddling with one girl I have never seen before, but I wasn't going to question it.

"I'm sorry, you can't come in unless you have a cuddle buddy." Heath said. "We are about to watch scary movies."

"What about Alex? Stuffed animals don't count." Scotty messes with them.

"Four stuffed animals equal one person. There are eight. The other four are for Matt." David said.

"Well darn. I guess this means we have to cuddle." Scotty sits down and pulls me close to him. His arms are wrapped around my waist and his head is on my stomach, much like Liza is it's David. I can tell Scotty is a big softie. He reminds me of a cute little puppy, sometimes.

Mischief // S.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now