8|Two Seasons And A Kill

Start from the beginning

She managed to the stairs landing without any mishap. Just as she was contemplating which of the corridors led to the kitchen, she heard the front door sneak open.
She stiffened, half terrified of who or what was sneaking into the house.
There was nothing to use as weapon anywhere around her, so she tiptoed to the direction of the door, with the intention of screaming bloody murder if things went south. Taylor was confident Anghel would appear in seconds.

Taylor watched, hidden behind a pillar, as the hooded figure closed the door as quietly as he or she could. Taylor knew her candlelight would give her away but she was not the guilty one here.

When the figure turned, Taylor let out the breath she was holding. It was Olivia.

Olivia stiffened when she saw the reflection of candlelight coming from behind a pillar. Taylor didn't see the discrete way Olivia made the package she was holding disappear into the folds of her cloak.

"Olivia!" Taylor called in surprise, stepping from her hiding place to meet the other girl.
"Mistress" Olivia replied quietly, curtseying.
"What were you doing outside so late?" Taylor questioned in a hushed tone, afraid their voices would carry to Anghel, wherever he was.
"I wasn't feeling well, I took a walk to clear my head and refresh myself. What are you doing up so late mistress"

Taylor knew she was changing the topic....but she didn't see any reason to doubt her words.
"I had a nightmare and wanted a drink to calm my nerves"

"I'll get you the drink. You should go up and rest"

"I'll come with you. I have to start familiarizing myself to this place anyway"
Olivia hesitated for a moment then gave her dimpled smile.
"OK Sam, this way"

"Your nightmares might be caused by the new environment"
Olivia suggested when they returned to the room.
Taylor perched on her bed with a sigh.
"It might be true. They started when I got here" Taylor liked that she could talk to someone, that she had a friend who would listen to her. She liked Olivia and wished they would form a very good friendship bond. Maybe....just maybe she could help her escape.

"Tell me about it. My grandma used to say talking about bad dreams took the bad away and they become just dreams"

"What happened to this your wise grandma?" Taylor asked lightly

"She was murdered. Tell me about your dreams"

Taylor fidgeted, she wanted to say more but Olivia had obviously dismissed that line of discussion.

"The thing is I don't understand them. I have had two and they have been  a puzzle. It was my dream but I don't think I was the person in it. I am not making any sense am I"

"Go on" Olivia prompted, giving Taylor her complete attention.

"I...I really don't know how to put it into words. I dream about a beautiful forest I've never seen and strange fairy like people. That has never happened before. I don't know..."

"Its okay Sam. I might have something that could help" Olivia said standing up "if you'll let me get it, I'll be right back"

Taylor nodded, grateful and curious. Olivia dashed to her room and true to her word was right back .

"This is a Revgade. Its like a mobile dreamcatcher, it was given to me by my grandma when I used to have nightmares and wearing it stopped them.  I want you to have it" Olivia held a silver necklace with a diamond shaped pendant towards her.

"No. I can't take that. It must be precious to you!" Taylor exclaimed in surprise.

"You need it more than I do. I don't have dreams anymore and If there is anyone I want to have it, its you, mistress. You have been so good to me"

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