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~Torrelai's POV~

"She wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell." - Nikita Gill

The golden sunlight shining through the beige curtains kissed my skin with warmth, I welcomed it with ease. The cold wind traveling through the open window blew the curtains in a flowing movement, like an ocean current.

The sun glaring in my eyes when I opened them, was not as enjoyable. I slammed my head into the pillow and groaned.

It was Monday, a day I hoped wouldn't suck, personally. But the odds were not in my favour.

I stretched like a feline would, and yawned. All I wanted to do was lay in bed, and dream about a better life where I could actually afford decent things. Alas, I did not have that option in my cards, because I had to get up, pretend to love life, and get ready for my first day on the new job.

My new job. I got all my internship necessities the day before, at a small shop that Jo recommended that sold school supplies, and later, I visited an old boutique that had a sale on formal clothing items. There, I bought a turquoise pair of heels closed at the toes, a black skirt, and a white dress shirt.

I felt like throwing up, the nerves working its way through my system, but that could also be last nights tacos.

It was first day jitters, something that anyone can have. I moved towards the mirror on the wall, and nearly jumped out of my skin because the sight was horrifying. I brush through my hair to try and control it. After a thorough brush, with hair pins in my mouth, I gathered my hair in a bun and pinned my hair in neatly, assembling any stray hair in place. I apply mascara and foundation and nod at myself in approval. I was much more presentable than the troll that stared back at me earlier. 

I dewrinkled my shirt and tucked my hair strands behind my ears, gathered my bookbag and decided to skip breakfast as I left.

No such luck, for as I descended the flight of stairs towards the reception, Jo stood with a grin and a small package.

"Morning, darling. Are you ready for today?"

I hesitated in my answer because my first reaction was to hurl at her and beg for more days of being a kid without responsibilities and to just take a nap. But, being the grown woman I now am, I nod and force a small smile in reply. When she didn't look convinced I spoke up, "I'm ready, I just feel extremely nervous about everything. What if they don't like me? What if I trip and people post pictures of it on social media? WHAT WILL I DO."

Jo jumped backwards, startled. She regained her composure and sighed.

"Sweetie, no such things can happen all in one morning." She placed the package she was holding into my own hands.

"I prepared a little something for you to eat on your way and a snack for later. Just take a deep breath and think about how far you have come from the worst. Always remember, you can only go up after being put down." She patted my shoulders in a soothing, motherlike manner and her words spoke volumes to me. It was time to take a strive and do my very best that I could give to the world.

" Thank you for the words of encouragement, Mrs. Jo, I really needed to hear them."

"The least I could do. Tell you what, would it make you feel better if you walked with someone to school?"

I titled my head to the side like a confused puppy. "Who?"

She turned and screamed a name that I haven't heard since my stay at the motel. I heard loud, thumping footsteps that moved rhythmically and in sync with another. A familiar face stood before me. It was the guy from the kitchen that chased me out. I studied him carefully, chiseled jawline, sharp bonestructure and high cheekbones. His icy blue eyes only held certainty, and remained on me, his dark, black curls were combed to the side and a slight smirk played on his lips.

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