chapter 03

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Demarcavius pov

i wake up on top of something that somewhat feels like another person, and i scream out of shock & fear, causing the person to shuffle around in their sleep.

the event from last night immediately comes too my head, and i calm down a little, but still shocked on what i did with Jordyn last night...

i see my phone lying on the floor, and i immediately pick it up, and text my Diamond too tell her what happened.

i text her, 'omg diamond jordyn kind of fingered me yeaterday, and i woke up laying on top of him on his fucking couch'

she replies back with, 'you better do that bitch, you aint suck his dick?'

i look at my phone in disgust and just leave her on read...

right now im debating on if i should leave or stay, but i just cant choose what i wanna doo.

Jordyn turns his body too face where i am, and he just stares at me causing my face too turn red.

"waddup lil dude?" he says give me a weak smile while he is me.

"heey." i say dryly back too him.

"you want me too walk you home or something?" he questions me getting up off of the sofa and grabbing his slides.

"yes please." i say getting my things together.

"aight, well lets go then." he says as he walks too the door, with me trailing behind him.

we get too my dorm room, and we exchange hugs, and he just says 'bye', and walks away.

i walk in, and i see my roommate/boy best friend Darrell (light skinned, curly blonde hair, braces, and glasses, straight with feminine/goofy traits.) sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone look up at me like he hasn't seen me in years.

"where the fuck were you Demar i was so worried." he tells me like he is my parent or something.

"i was safe Derrell, i just spent the night at someones little dorm last night." i say shrugging, and sitting beside him.

"and who is that?" he asks me taking off his glasses.

"umm, Jordyn's." i tell him as i look at the ground.

"did yall fuck?" he asks me getting closer too me.

"umm, something like that... he fingered me, and gave me a couple of hickeys." i say as i continue too look at the ground and play with my fingers.

"oh my lord. did you like it?" he asks me and i look up at him and start blushing...

"i guess, it felt good." i say with this smile plastered on my face.

"oouuu you dirty bitch." he says causing both of us too burst out in laughter.

"well im about too go take a shower." i tell him getting up off of the couch.

47 minutes later.
Demar's pov...

i just got done getting ready today. im just looking for some shoes too wear with my black skinny jeans i got from aero, a black 'ac/dc' shirt.

i see my regular ol black and white sk8 vans so i just slip those on and grab my phone off of the charger, with my keys,
and wallet, and head out of the door.

today me, and jordyn are going on a little date or what not to the movies , and he is going too be driving his 'silver/grey Pontiac'.

i walk too his dorm too see that he's already in the car dressed, looking like a whole snack on his phone.

i go too the passenger side and knock on his car door letting him know that im here, because he hadn't looked up from her phone yet.

i open the door, snd i smell his strong cologne in the car, and i just fall in love with it because it smells so fucking good.

"waddup." he says as he puts his phone in the little cup holder, and looks at me while i put my seatbelt on.

"heey." i reply back with a smile showing my pearly whites.

"whatchu wanna goo see, that new movie 'everything, everything' is about too play like in 10 minutes, and we're like about 4 minutes away from the movie theater, so you wanna see that?" he asks me as he starts too back the car up, out of his parking spot.

"yeah lets do that." i says giving him another smile.

"ighht, and you look good as fuck." he says as he pays attention too he road licking his lips.

"thank you, you look like a snack yourself." i say blushing.

"ohh fr, thanks lil dude." he says smiling.

i stare at him the whole car ride looking at his chocolate skin that looks so good, and his muscular figure thats just A1.

"aye, we here." he says taking me out of my little day dream.

he opens the door for me, and i get out thanking him, as we begin too walk too the ticket booth for the movie.

we walk up, and he pays for our ticket, and we walk inside too buy popcorn and candy.

i decided too pay for everything, and the amount of money i spent was ridiculous, but i just didnt say anything about it.

we give the lady at the little ticket taker or some shit our tickets and he gives us the directions too where our movie is at.

we walk into the movie too see that it's empty it only has about 11 people in here, and they're all sitting on the bottom row so we make our way too the top.

we take our seats, and we begin too watch the movie.

1hr 20 seconds later...

"damn thats fucked up." jordyn says as we are all cuddled up as we watch the movie.

"right, sis made a big deal out of nothing..." i say referring too the girls mother who made it seem like she was sick or some shit, because she was afraid too loose her.

i look up at jordyn, too see that he is all into the movie causing me too laugh, and give him a little peck on his lips, and i feel his heart start too pump faster when i lay my head back on his chest.

we've learned so much about each other, we were both in a situation where we had too move schools from all of the fighting, from the ignorant kids bothering us for being gay. He told me why he wanted too start his own restaurant even though he doesnt know anything about cooking, and why he wants too start a homeless shelter & a boys and girls club.

i told how my childhood bestfriend got into a bad car accident, and is now mentally challenged, and disabled, and thats why i want too be an physical therapist.

lets just say we've learned a lot about each other, and i see myself being with him in the future.

i just ended the chapter so esrly, because i want this too be a little happy chapter, and im going too put a little bit of drama in the next chapter so ig issa to be continued... 🤣 (1217) words

Sandcastles (BxB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora