Chapter twenty: The Wedding

ابدأ من البداية

Adrien sighed softly. "She's right Alya..."

The girl gasped and blinked. "I can't... well damn, congrats on doing something productive in their relationship."

"There won't be a relationship if we don't go over this plan!" Adrien cut in.

"You're right. So what do we need to do and when?" Eileen looked down at her phone screen, reading over the number while the two girls waited for his reply.


"Marinette! You look gorgeous!" Eileen and Alya beamed as they walked into the powder room, admiring the bride-to-be's gown.

She blushed softly and smiled. "Thanks." Was all she muttered in reply. The smile left her lips as well as the soft pinkness in her cheeks. A sigh escaped as she turned towards the mirror.

Eileen and Alya exchanged looks before stepping closer.

"I should go, you can help her better than I can." Eileen whispered as they both stood there.

Alya shook her head and grabbed the other's arm, pulling her forward as they moved closer to Marinette.

"Nonsense, you're her best friend too. We'll both help her."

Both girls nodded as they turned their attentions to Marinette.

"Can I ask you girls something?" She spoke softly, glancing over the white fabric. They nodded silently.

"Do you think..." she paused to collect her thoughts. "Do you think it could've been him?"

"Him?" Alya pretended to not know who she was referring to but knew instantly it was Adrien.

"Adrien. Do you think we would've gotten married?" Marinette suddenly turned to face them, worry spread all over her pale face.

"I have no doubt in my mind that will happen."

"Will?" Marinette's eyebrow shot up at the word.
"There is no 'will', Adrien's not here..." she turned to face the mirror again, a solemn look taking place across her features. "And he never will be."

"Mar, you just have to have faith!" Alya did her best to sound chipper but failed once Marinette closed her eyes to keep the tears at bay.

"It's just... When I found out he had feelings for me, I was so excited to see what would happen next.. and when we both said 'I love you', I knew we would be together, even though my blood was all over both of us, I knew he loved me and he knew that I loved him... Now that I'm in my wedding dress, prepared to walk down the aisle, I can't help but be... dejected that the man I'll meet there won't be Adrien..."

"I don't think this will help in any way, but" Eileen reached into the top of her dress, pulling a piece of paper from her bra. She then handed it to the girl with a shaking hand.

"After Adrien vanished, this was leftover... I've never showed anyone, not even Lucas. He probably wouldn't understand it anyway but I know that you will."

Marinette's eyes never left the paper as she took it in her own hands. Taking in a deep breath, she began to unfold the paper until she was interrupted by the door opening.

"Marinette, it's time." Sabine (Sabrine?) stood at the threshold, her brows furrowed slightly.

Marinette glanced down at the note and bit her lip. She nodded at her mother and looked up. "All right, I'll be there soon." Her mother nodded softly before reaching to close the door.

"Oh and Marinette?"

"Yes mama?"

Sabine exhaled slowly before smiling at her daughter. "I'm proud of you for moving on." With that, the door was closed.

"I-I can't do this.." Marinette mumbled, her hand clutched with the note fell to her side.

"Don't worry, we'll both be here. I promise we're not going anywhere." Alya gave her a reassuring smile, as did Eileen.

"We always will be."

Before the girls left, Marinette handed the note back to Eileen, telling her that she would read it later then all three were lined up at the front doors. The faint sound of music could be heard indicating it was time. Marinette's father glanced down and grinned and in return she grinned back. She wanted to be happy, it was her wedding day for crying out loud! But with the thought of it all being fake and everyone in the room thinking it was real, was starting to tear at Marinette. She so badly wanted it all to be a dream, where Adrien's blonde locks would be visible at the altar once she stepped inside... but that wasn't reality and Adrien wasn't there. She kept repeating those words to herself over and over while the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked the aisle. The music grew louder as both doors were pulled open, revealing every guest standing and a large smile on their face. Marinette looked to the groom and recognized him to be Mason. She took a shaky breath before her father lead them forward.


The beginning seemed to drag on, as they spoke their recited vows, the warm smiles they gave one another, and the preacher speaking words of pure love to them. She felt a pit begin to form in her stomach once everything was falling into place.

"Do you, Mason (no last name) take Marinette Dupain-Cheng as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward? In sickness and in health, for poorer or richer?"

Mason took a few seconds to process everything before replying "I do." with no emotion.

The preacher then turned to Marinette, a large grin plastered on his face. "And do you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, take Mason (again, no last name) as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward? In sickness and in heath? For poorer or richer?"

She glanced at the audience, looking at their bright smiles and glossy eyes. She then turned to look at her friends who were her bridesmaids. All were smiles except Eileen and Alya. Was she ready to go through with all this? Having to lie every time she visited a family member? Telling her parents that they'd be expecting a child years down the line when there wasn't even a relationship? Marinette looked back at Mason and decided right then and there that she wasn't going to have it. She was going to tell him and everyone else that she would not be getting married today, even if it was fake, not to Mason at least. She would wait for Adrien for years if she had to, if it meant she could see him smile and hear his laugh... she'd do it in a heartbeat. She'd do it right in this moment...

"I-I do—"

"Marinette! Wait! Don't do it!"

Slow motion... that's what it seemed like. She was ready to tell Mason that she couldn't go through with it, but fate seemed to take that moment away from her, replacing it with something far different. Everyone turned their attention to the boy running down the aisle, huffing and puffing. He stopped in front of the couple, catching his breath before he spoke.

"Marinette, please... you don't have to do this..."

Her brows furrowed in confusion as she couldn't fully understand what was happening.


{A/N: Oh man, cliffhangers seem to be the thing to do at the end of every chapter! Don't worry, chapter twenty-one is already in the works!!}

The Real Me || Book One حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن