Chapter 3

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When she came up to me and asked, "what's your last name?" I was about ready to drop everything and forgive her. Did I mention she was gorgeous???

"Williams" I replied, the little men in my brain straining at the levers to make sure I didn't garble my words like a freak.

She smiled. "Mine's Warner. I guess that means I'm in front of you." I swear that's exactly what she said. In my mind I could just imagine Luke smirking.

"I guess so..." I replied lamely. Well, I wasn't the best at starting conversations, especially with girls. Sure, I had plenty of female friends, some of whom were more flirtatious than others, but whenever it came to making the first move, I was hopeless.

She slid into the seat in front of me, and I couldn't help but notice her cute backside. The only other thing I could focus on, however, was her beautiful face as she turned around to look at me.

"Were you driving down Barkley Lane this morning?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I live there."

"Me too!" She said excitedly. "Which house?"


"I'm 1177!" she exclaimed happily, "We just moved in a couple weeks ago! I think your parents came over!"

"Yeah...they did," I said, realizing I'd have to come up with some good excuse as to why I didn't come over as well. God, I wish I had.

Thankfully, she didn't ask. "Hey, if I ever need any help with homework, can I ask you?"

I blushed fiercely. "I'll try but I don't know if I'm as smart as you."

"You don't know if I am or not."

"You don't know if I am either."

She grinned and shrugged. "I'll take my chances."

Wait....what? Did she seriously just say that? This is definitely a dream. I pinched myself in the arm to make sure this was real.

I grinned back awkwardly and was ready to continue the conversation when the bell rang and we all had to clam up for the morning announcements. The usual welcome spiel: welcome to a new year, let's make it a good one, be on time, no PDA, etc. I spent the whole time staring at the back of...well, damn it, I only had her last name. I couldn't call her Warner, not without coming off as a bonehead. They'd have to do roll-call. Thank God for that.

"...and have a great day," the announcements thankfully concluded. Then came the Pledge of Allegiance. We droned through it with as much enthusiasm as a dog owner having to pull ticks. Finally, finally, Mr. Sparkler, the homeroom teacher, started the roll call.

I waited as one-by-one, way too slowly, students responded to their names, moving up and along the rows of desks until finally Sparkler called out, "Iris Warner?"

"Here!" She said brightly.

Iris Warner. Iris Warner who lived at 1177 Barkley Lane. Iris Warner who was everything that I thought was beautiful and perfect. Iris Warner who—

"Michael Williams??"

The kid behind me tapped me on the shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Here." I said. I noticed Luke smirking from across the room.

"First time please, not third" said Sparkler, as he moved through the list.

"Sorry sir." I replied.

SparksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora