You rolled your eyes at him and just sat back to where you were sitting and sipped on your drink.

Hailey went to sit down beside you and he sat down beside Niall. You cannot kick him out of your table because he's Niall's best friend.

Everything was really good and peaceful for you until you met this guy in high schoo. I don't know about you but you really just can't seem to like him ever since.

I think it started because of his personality. Sure, he's handsome and girls chase him, although he's not a playboy. He makes girls cry because he turns them down and I tell you, he's very rude when he reject them. He's grouchy and not really that gentleman.

The feeling is mutual to him, he doesn't like you too. You both really hate each other and always stayed that way.

It was more unfortunate for you because your best friend dates his best friend, so you always see each other and you can't take it sometimes.

Oh, did I forget to mention his name? He's Louis Tomlinson, the person you despise.

You're busy finishing your drink when you caught him looking at you.

"What are you looking at?" You say without fear.

He just smiled, "I just heard you broke up with your boyfriend."

"So what?" You ask. He always tease you like this.

"Nothing. Good for him though, he doesn't have to bear with someone like you anymore." He grinned.

You feel angry once again and you almost wanted to punch him in the face but you composed yourself.

You smile sweetly. "How about you? How's your love life? I heard you still don't have a girlfriend because no one can bear someone like you too" was your comeback. His expression turned into unhappy. It's fair now between the both of you.

"But ya know guys, you two would look good together and make a cute couple." Niall says, his hands on his chin.

"Be terrified of your words, Niall." Louis said while he's rubbing his hands onto his arms like he got goosebumps.

"I know, right?" I agreed with Louis on this one, "over my dead body."

"If only I know, you're always daydreaming about me." Louis stated which make look at him with disgust.

"Yuck! No way." You defend.

"Damn guys," Hailey cut in, "shut up or I'll make you kiss."

You and Louis felt gross out, "EW!"

"So shut your mouths or I'll do that just so I could shut you two up." Hailey said in frustration, having enough crap with both of you. You had no choice but to stop fighting.

You glared at Louis while he, well, just smirked at you.

This will be a loooong ass day.

"Hey (Y/N)." You turn around to see Hailey catching up to you at the hallway.

Louis Tomlinson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now