Just A Friend pt. 3

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"One more beer please!" You ask as you put your glass aggressively on the counter.

The bartender goes to you and give you another glass of beer, "wow Miss, you just drank too much alcohol now." He says.

"So what," you grabbed the new bottle and open it to drink.

He just shrugged it off and just went to the other costumer, not caring about you anymore.

You just found yourself getting drunk and waisted in a bar. Yes, you ended up in a bar club. You're not an alcoholic, but you just drank alot of beer. You're not quite aware of your surrounding anymore. You just want to forget all the things that happened earlier, or more precisely, completely forget the feelings you've ever had for him.

You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. And as you look who it is calling, it's none other than the cold insensitive jerk.

"Piss off" you huffed to your phone and put it back to your pocket, drinking more of the liquid inside the bottle.

"I have something to tell you." He says, scratching the back of his neck, "well I've been keeping this from you for months now.."

"You see, Eleanor and I... are back together."

The nervousness you're feeling earlier is turned into sadness and depression.

You're completely speechless. You couldn't take it.

You feel your heart tearing apart into tiny pieces.

"(Y/N)?" He asks, "you look pale, are you alright?"

He's about to reach for your shoulder when you flinch away.

"I..." you feel a lump in your throat, "I'm sorry I just feel suddenly nauseous."

"What? Why? You might have eaten something bad in the restaurant earlier.." he says, and he's really concern.

"I think." You simply lie. You tried to hold back the tears that are threatening to go out.

"I'll take you to the nearest ho-" You cut him off.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just gonna go to the nearest toilet." You cover your mouth because your voice is breaking.


"Just stay for me here. I'll be right back" you stand up and walk as fast as you can just to go far away from him.

There, the tears that you were holding back are now spilling out.

And you lied, because you never went back. You took a cab and went to the place where you can drink away all of your emotions.

He makes you insane, you still remember everything he said in the park even if this is the seventh or eighth time, well you couldn't really count anymore how many bottles you just took.

You stand up, and you almost lost your balance but thankfully the bar stool help you to remain your balance.

You slowly go to the dance floor to dance and have some fun.

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