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It's a typical morning in London where the surrounding is pretty busy. Many car horns are being heard at the streets and people walking in and by every store.

You're watching people's every move as you sit inside a coffee shop.

You once again looked at your phone, but still there's no new message.

meet me at the coffee shop.

where are you?

You type on your phone and hit send. You sighed as you've been waiting now for at least 15 minutes.

"Ma'am, may I take your order?" The waitress acknowledged you with a menu and you accept it. You said your order and now the waitress went away.

Later on, you feel your phone vibrate.

Sweetheart 💞:
I'll be there at 10.

He replied to you and you patiently waited.

10 minutes

30 minutes

1 hour.

You've been waiting for an hour and he's still nowhere to be seen. You had finished drinking 2 coffees and eating a piece of cake, you had been counting the people going in and out of the shop, and he's still not yet there. You're really getting frustrated now.

This is one of the reasons why you wanted a divorce. And he's making you realize more that it's the right decision.

Just as you were about to stand up after paying your bill, you heard another person going in the coffee shop and there he was, wearing the same clothes after he stormed off your house but still looking good and fresh.

You got in another heated argument with him yesterday and it's like a daily routine for you both. Everytime you two fight, he wouldn't go home until the next morning and then goes back to your house like nothing happened, which is very unhealthy for your relationship and family. You thought if that is going to go on, then it's time to end things with him.

He scanned around the shop hoping that you're still waiting for him then he spotted you.

He walked towards your direction, "sorry hun I'm late." He leaned it to peck your cheek.

"It's okay." You started. He called for a waiter and ordered, "what's yours?"

"Nothing. I'm good, Louis." You simple stated. And the waiter went away.

"How was work?" You tried to make a conversation like nothing happened yesterday. You admit, Louis never fails to make you happy. He's like a sunshine that lights up your world. You still love him, but not as the same waybefore.

"Pretty good. We were working very late at the studio last night to polish the new album and finally it was finished!" He said extremely happy.

"That's great" you half smiled.

His order was served and he started eating, "so, nanny's taking care of the kids?"

You've been together for 7 years and married with him for almost 4 years by the end of the month. You have 2 kids namely: Lee and Zoe. Zoe is 3 years old, every one says she's the girl version of Louis because she got her dad's eye color, nose, lips, hair color and the attitude. On the other hand, Lee is only 1 year old that is your boy version for he has gotten your features.

You fiddled with your finger, "uh yeah, Zoe isn't going to school today"

Louis looked at you, "why? Is my baby sick?"

You shook your head, looking back.

"Then why isn't she going to school?"

"I'm taking them."

"What? Where are y-" you know he's about to bombard you with questions so you cut him off.

"Look Louis," you sighed, "I think this is not going to work."

"What are you trying to tell me (Y/N)?" He asked oblivious of what's happening.

"I-I want to get a divorce." You said straight-forward.

"W-what?" You watched his face go from confused to surprised to hurt, "why?"

You felt a little guilt, just wanting to take back what you've said and hug him but your decision was final.

"Our relationship is getting nowhere Louis." You explained and sighed because you have to deal with this.

"I don't understand (Y/N)!" He whisper-yelled, not trying to make a scene in this coffee shop.

"Of course you do!," you said, "we're constantly fighting and it's very unhealthy for our relationship and I don't think this is going to end well. So we might as well end this before it gets any worse."

"But we could have tried to fix our relationship (Y/N)! Not like this."

"Louis, we can't fix our relationship and you know it! If we have to then divorce is the best way to fix it."

"This is bullcrap." He muttered but anger is evident in his voice, "you know what? Fine. If this is what you want then go. But I'm taking the kids." He payed his food and stood up to get out of the coffee shop.

You immediately run after him outside and you grab his wrist, "you're not taking my kids!" You shout.

He yank your hand away and he made his way to his car, leaving you there.

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