Accident pt. 2

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Louis' POV

"(Y/N).." I shudder in fear as I spoke her name, calling for her.

"Baby, can you hear me?" She isn't opening her eyes. I touch her face with blood. Every single part of my body is trembling.

I ran with the doctor and nurses getting (Y/N) to the emergency room as quickly as we can. As we reached there, they stopped me from going in, seeing my girlfriend being rushed in as the door closes.

"It's best if you stay here sir."

"Please do everything to save her. I can't lose her." I cry.

"We promise you we're going to do the best we can." They say and they follow inside.

I slid down the wall, crying my heart out. This accident happened to her because of me. I should've believed her. If I did, this wouldn't happen to her. This is all my fault.

An hour had passed, when I hear loud footsteps coming near. Then I hear familiar voices, but I didn't bother to look up.

"Louis, what happened?" Niall told me. I am currently sitting down the floor, staring at an empty space.

I didn't respond, then I saw Liam lowered himself to look at me, "c'mon man, stand up. You need to be strong, for her."

"How could I be?" I said, my voice cracking, "how could I be strong if I know my girlfriend is battling her own life inside because of me."

"Don't say that man."

"I didn't believe her, that's why this happened." I say.

"Don't ever blame yourself," Harry replied, "nobody knew this would happen. This is nobody's fault."

I shook my head.

"Please Louis, she needs you. You love her, she loves you. So you need to be strong for her." Zayn tells me.

After a few minutes, the room opened and a doctor come out. I stumbled as I stood up and went to her.

"Ms. (Y/L/N)'s relative?" She asks.

"I-I'm her boyfriend. How is she?" I say, trying to compose myself.

"She's been transferred to her own room now. Luckily, it's nothing more serious than a concussion. It was a miracle that she doesn't have any broken bone. Other good news is, her condition's now stable."

"Thank God." I sigh in relief, along with the boys behind me.

"She's still unconscious as of now, but she will be waking up within a few hours." The doctor said, "she's in room 206"

"Thank you very much, Doc." I say, and she just smiles and leaves.

I immediately go to where her room is. When I opened the door, there she is, lying on the bed, sleeping.

My tears fell out of eyes again. I walked to go beside her.

I sit, and watch her face. I slowly caressed her cheek, afraid that I might hurt her.

I hold her hand and kiss the back of it. I'm just so happy she's fine and stable.

The boys stayed with me inside until she wakes up.

"Louis.." I hear a faint voice calling out my name. I slowly wake up from my sleep when I suddenly realized that it was (Y/N) who was calling me.

"Oh my.." I say as I see her looking directly at me. "You're finally awake."

"(Y/N)!" The lads say in unison when they see her. I know she's still processing what is happening or why she's here.

"We'll leave you two for a while," Liam says, which knows what we needed. He pushes the boys out of the room, and leave us two.

She looks around her, and I can see her struggling to move.

"Don't move too much baby, just stay still." I say.

"W-what happened?" She says, her voice is a bit different.

I told her everything that has happened to her, "Someone called me from your phone and said you were in a car accident, so I sped off and went with them to take you on the hospital before it was too late.."

"Oh.." she says.

"I'm sorry." I say, my head falls down, as I began to cry again. I may look like a loser, but I just can't afford to hold it in. Knowing that my tears are for (Y/N), I don't care about being like a total baby now.

"I—" I was about to explain everything but she cut me off with her finger on my lips.

"It's okay." She smiles. She wipes my tears away. Her touch really relaxes me.

"I should be the one who's sorry. I didn't tell you who it was. But I swear I wasn't cheating. It was only my cousin. There's nothing to worry about, okay?" She says.

"I believe you, since from the start. I trust you." I say, assuring her.

"I didn't mean to call our relationship off okay? Don't break up with me. I would die." I said.

She smiles to me again, "I won't. You're the only one I love."

I slowly kiss her forehead, and hug her not too tight because I might hurt her.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And in that moment, we don't care about anything. All that matters is we are in each other's arms.


Hey, this imagine ended pretty fast ;) I personally like this one though! What are your thoughts? Let me know

And next part of "Let's Play A Game" will be coming soon.... 💋

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