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It was a  Thursday afternoon in the Fairytail guild Hall. People were still calming down after a big fight earlier in the day and people were considering turning in for the evening.

Suddenly the silhouette of a young woman appeared in the doorway. Most people didn't recognise the old fairy but A certain dragon slayer knew instantly and was stunned to silence.

"Hey everyone, Did ya miss me?" she say as she enters the guild Hall.
"LISANNA!" Natsu yelled running towards his old friend is soon followed be the rest of the guild. The white haired girl was swarmed with tears, hugs and heaps of questions.

'Jeez I'm too tired for this' she thinks to herself after a while.

She notices 4 people that stay at the back and stare with confused expressions.

She walks over to them and introduces herself.
"Hey Lisanna, I'm Lucy and this is Juvia, Gajeel and Wendy. Natsu has told me so much about you!"
'Wow, what a freak show....and lucy... I don't like her. there's something about her...THAT'S IT! she is too close to my Natsu. I saw her gushing and drooling all over him when i walked through the doors. She'll regret the day she even looked at my dear sweet dragon slayer!

Lisanna spent the rest of the evening formulating a plan to torture the blonde into leaving the guild, leaving Natsu all for her. The next morning she put the plan into action by placing a spell on everyone in the guild that will take effect as soon as they lay eyes on Lucy ... Wait Natsu isn't here...... oh well. the plan will work without him. I'm sure he already loathes her.

~lucy's p.o.v~

'Ugh what a dreary day, why do I have such a bad feeling about going In today?'  i think as i walk up to the doors of the guild hall as I shrug it off.

~3rd person p.o.v~

"hey guys" she says cheerfully as she enters the guild. Then she noticed something odd everyone in the room stopped their conversations and was giving her cold stare.
"what are you doing here weakling." gray finally spoke with an icy tone to his voice.
"Yeah, shouldn't you be at home crying about how you are the only one in the guild who doesn't have any real magic?" Levy added.
"what the hell?" lucy whispers, confused and hurt
"hey guys wadda ya say we teach her a little lesson on how strong REAL Fairy Tail wizards are!" Gajeel jeered  as everyone started hitting me with magic, tables, tankards, and frankly, anything that they could find. Lucy grabbed a job from the board and ran out of the guild Hall trying to get her head around what just happened

{timeskip: one week}

~3rd person p.o.v~

Lucy had endured this for a week. She had tried everything to free them if it was a spell doing this but she had lost hope. Natsu wasn't there to help her either because he had been on a week long job. She had been spat on, she had been beaten and just this morning kicked off team Natsu (without Natsu's knowing). That was the final straw. lucy burst into Makarov's office, bleeding from her numerous injuries
"Master, I want to quit the guild." she had been contemplating it for a while now and she was certain, she was gonna leave.
"o-ok My child but m-may I ask why?" the master asked in shock.
"the other guild members have forgotten the meaning of family, I promise I will visit you in the future once everything is cleared up." "Alright...." gramps removes the mark, still in shock.
"thank you" Lucy says, looking at her now blank hand. Then leaving the building she once called home.

~??? p.o.v~ (weren't expecting that were ya)

Ugh, this search is taking f'rever (forever). The Queen was right, she really did put one 'ell of a protection spell on that kid-... Wait, that smells like... No way...

~3rd person pov~

" 'ooz there?" a loud voice with a strange accent booms in Lucy's ears.
"I am lucy heartfilia....wh-what are you I mean who are you!?" the girl returns. "F'give me, your 'ighness, my name is Geode the crystal dragon. I know you 'ave many questions but all will be explained in the dragon realm...."

(this is what Geode looks like:)

(this is what Geode looks like:)

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