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We ended up taking Ty's car to the mall. He was so going to be pissed at how much gas I have used, but I didn't care. Rosemy was happy and that's all that mattered at the moment.

"Hey Nicole, do you think Nik is cute?" Em asked. 

"I guess. He has cool hair." I replied unsure of myself. 

She sighed slightly before falling silent. The music from the radio humming softly, I recognized the song that was playing so I hummed along. Soon Rosemy started humming too. We finally reached the mall. We decided to head to Hot Topic, our favorite store. 

"Hey Rosemy, do you think this will look good on me?" I asked holding up a red bladed mini skirt.

"Sweet heart you have to flat of an ass to wear something like that!" She said 

I turned and looked at myself in the mirror and look at my ass. Sadly she was correct. My ass was as flat ass a pancake. 

"Damn that is to bad, I would've enjoyed wearing this and putting on a show for you." I replied with a wink. 

"Yeah it is, I so would've enjoyed seeing that." She replied with a role of her eyes and a laugh that sent shivers through me. "You know, you could probably pull of this with a pair of black skinny jeans." She said holding up the matching bladed bra. 

"Hah-hah, very funny." I joked before walking away.

It must have just been my imagination, but I could've sworn that she whispered that she wasn't joking. 

"Hey Rosemy."  I called again.

"Yes." She replied appearing by my side, 

"What if I dyed my hair red?" I asked looked at the ahir coloring.

"Your mom would kill you."

I sighed, I had always wanted to dye my hair a red color. 

"Yeah your probably right." 

"But then again have you ever actually listened to your mom?" She asked with a grin.

A smiled back and replied, "Never."

Next thing I know we left the store with a bottle of red hair dye. 

Sorry for its shitty ness I have no clue were I am taking this story anymore. 

Falling for a Dancing RoseWhere stories live. Discover now