First Party

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When Monday strolled around, Dylan wanted to go to the party with me. I didn't want him to come, but I realize i didn't have a choice really. I had promised him a date and than had made other plans. I shouldn't have done that to him. I know it was a bitchy move, I also know I should break up with him. I just couldn't. 

I called Rosemy and asked if it be okay if Dylan came with us and she sounded kinda relieved. 

"That's totally find Nicole... beside I had something to tell you anyways." She told me.

"Please say you can still go." I said, my voice coming out a bit rushed.

"No, nothing like that. Nik's plans got cancelled so he is coming with us too. I was originally ask if you wanted to bring Danielle or Searra with, but now Dylan can come! We can make it a double date!" She explained excitedly.

"Yeah that's great!" I exclaimed faking excitement.

Why couldn't she have just said she couldn't go?

"Dress to rule... see you." She said.

"Bye Rosemy." I said softly.

She hung up and I laid on my bed for a few minutes. Maybe some crying happened too, but know one will ever know in the safety of my bedroom. My eyes felt heavey and I let them close for a second. When I opened my eyes they felt weird and I couldn't really open them. When I looked at my clock  gasped in shock, I had fallen asleep! Dylan would be here any minute! 

I quickly rushed to the bathroom, taking a quick look at the mirror as I shimmied out of my PJa's, but couldn't help but take a double look. My eyes were red and swollen from crying. The tip of my nose flamed a bright unatractive pink color. My cheeks where also red... I looked terrible. I hopped into the shower and took a fast one for lack of time. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before getting out. I ran back to my bedroom and quickly dried off. I found my black mini skirt and a red tub top. They both cost like five dollars, but looked like they cost a furtion. I grabbed a pair of expensive black heels and a black leather half jacket from my closet. They probably were the most expensive thing I owned out of all my clothes. I realized I couldn't where a skirt if I didn't shave, so I quickly went back to the bathroom to finish that job.

When I was finish I realized my sister had left her make up out and I decided that I should wear some... I mean it was a party wasn't it? I did a farelly good job at my smokey eyes with black tips and fake eyelashes, and than added red lipstick to my lips. I couldn't believe the transformation it had done. I looked, well, different. 

Shaking my head out of my gaze, I resumed getting ready. It took me about two seconds to put my very revealing clothes on. I wish I could trade out my skirt for a pair of gray skinny jeans and my jacket for a sweatshirt, than add a beany and I'd be all set. Wel trade my heels for my converse too. 

After studying my outfit in the mirror I decided to curl my hair. It didn't take long, and by the time I had big loose curl Dylan was here. I met him outside and saw his car, so I guess we were not sharing one with Rosemy for the night, poopy.

"Wow, Nicole... You look amazing." Dylan said, staring at my long legs a little longer than I would've liked, Even if he was my boyfriend.

"Thanks... you too." I manage to say.

It was true, Dylan did clean up good. He was wearing a tight black shirt that showed of his muscles and a pair of jeans with sneakers. He also had a letter jacket on from his high school football team. His look should've made me flip and say how hot he looked, but for me he looked... well, good. There was nothing amazing about how he looked. I mean sure it was cool to see his muscles ripple when he would do something to show them of, but it didn't really excite me. 

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