Apologize? I think not

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I awoke too some one pounding on the door. I tried to ignore it at first and just put the blanket farther over my head. I snuggled up to who ever was next to. They made a really good pillow, and I... wait what?! Who in the world am I laying on?! 

My whole body relaxed when I peaked one eye opened and found Karl next to me. I barelly remember him waking me up and asking if I was alright. 


I remember hearing a door close, but I ignored it. Some one came and stared at me, trying to figure out who I was in the dark. When they decided they didn't care or they figured it out, they kept shuffling around the room, trying not to make alot of noise. I felt the bed creek as more weight was being added on the bed. 

"Karl please be quiet." I said in a sleepy voice.

"I thought you where alseep." Karl whispered sheepishly.

"I was alseep." I stated.

"Oh Nicole I am so sorry!" Karl apologized.

"It's fine." My voice was very quiet.

"What happened?" Karl asked, voice filled with conceren

"Nothing, Dylan just got a little to drunk for my liking." I said with a sigh.

"Tell me exactly what happened." Karl demanded.

"I'll tell you in the morning. It night time... we sleep during the night." I said my words slurring from tiredness.

"I love you, Cole, have a good night sleeps." Karl said with a little chcuckle. 

*End of Flashback*

"Make it stop!" Karl bagged me as the pounding kept going.

I looked at my phone and saw the time was 7:30 am.... It was summer time. Oh hail no... who do I need to kill!

"Nicole open up.... look I am sorry!" Dylan's voice called through the door.

"Shut that motherfucker up!" Karl whispered to me.

"Just a minute please." I called through the door.

I got up when my phone flashed I had one new txt message. Opening it up I saw a txt from Rosemy... It was a picture of Dylan and some girl making out, the next one was them going up the stair. She txt saying, "Dump the sorry ass." 

"Karl you might want to hide in the bathroom." I said.

Sighing Karl didn't ask questions, he just got up, bringing the blankets and a pillow with him, and laid in the bathroom floor. I than shut the door, that problem taken care of. I walked over to the door, Dylan still knocking on the door. When I opened the door I Dylan stood there, arm up ready to knock again. I gave him the best bitch look I could before I snapped, "What the hell do you want?"

"Look Nicole I was so drunk last night! Please, I beg forgive me! "He  pleaded.

I lost it.

"What do you fuckin mean? Forgive you? Why in the world would I do that?"  It looked like he was going to answer but I interrupted again. "Don't say you were a little drunk last night, because I am pretty sure you were wasted! I was fine that you got drunk, but accusing me of choosing other guys over you was a pretty stupid move. And than admitting you were only dating me for sex? That was to far. Look at what you did to my arm! Look at the fuckin bruise on my arm! I do not like being man handled. That isn't even the worse part. No, the worse part was realizing what a fuckin ass wipe you are! How was waking up next to the mystery brunette?!" I demanded.

A look of shock crossed his face before he said, "How in the hell did you know that."

I lifted my phone showing him the picture on the screen. He simply let out an 'oh' than didn't say anything No one spoke for a few minutes. the Tension so thick I could Slice right throw it. Of course I was the one who broking.

"We are done for good. I don't even feel guilty for what I did to out car."

"What the hell did you do to my car?"

I slammed the door closed on his face. I whipped around to find Karl peaking his head out of the bathroom.

"I can see you!" I told him.

"What do you mean by 'he man handled' you?" He asked angrily.

"Look it doesn't matter." I replied.

"Doesn't matter?!" He started, "What the hell Nicole? If he laid a finger on you I swear he is a dead man walking."

"Karl I beg of you please just drop it!"

All the sudden Karl's door is slammed open and Dylan walks in looking passed.

"You fuckin Bitch! You will pay for the damage on my car or I will sue you for everything you have. "Dylan yelled, coming through Karl's doorway.

"Not likely." I stated.

"The hell I wont, you have four days to get me enough money!" He yelled, very upset.

"How the hell do you expect me to get you thousands of dollars?" I haIf yelled.

"Figure it out?" He all but yelled at me.

"How about we drop this. You drop the car charges and Nicole drops the sexual harassment charge." Karl said playing peacekeeper.

"What are you talking about, what charges for sexual harrasment?!" Dylan demanded.

"The once I am pressing against you. That and one for abuise, we already took pictures of my arm." I bluffed, going on with Karl's lie. 

"You drop the damage on your car, she drops her charger." Karl said, his voice was scarry low.

"How about this. You drop the sexual harassment and abuise charges, pay half of the money to get my car fixed and we call it even." Dylan suggested.

"Or you forget about both." I said in a scarier voice than Karl's.

 "You are such a little bitch." He stated.

"Deal. I mean... there is no real prove of what I did, but I am one hundred percent certian I have a wittness to what you did." I said, if glares could kill, he would've been dead a long time ago.

"Fine, I will drop all charges and pay for it myself." He said. 

"Good boy." I said, my earlier anger leaving me.

I crawlled back and bed where I decided I would stay in tell noon-ish. I looked up and say Dylan staring at me with disbelieve and Karl just stood there glaring at him. Time seem to have frozen because they didn't move. I gave a little grunt and that seemed to get Karl back into action.

"Get out." Karl said.

Dylan just turned around and left, giving us the bird as he did. Asswipe.

"Do you wanna talk about it." Karl asked.

"No." I said.

"Nicol-" Karl started.

"No Karl. It is still time for sleep. I feel like I was ran over by a semi, and instead if just keep going they decide to be funny and put the car in reverse." I said tiredly.

"I promised I would go talk to Dylan today otherwise I would stay here with you." Karl said sadly.

"Go lover boy." I yawned, "I will most likely still be here sleeping when you return."

"Bye Cole." 

"Night, Lover boy." 

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