Arthur Needs Merlin

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Here is just something to make everyone cry. I've never written anything like this so I hope it's good.

He's on his bed crying. It's never been this bad. Merlin has always ensured that he had comfort when his birthday rolled around. The day of his mother's death.

Merlin always made sure Arthur knew it wasn't his fault that his mother died in childbirth but he never told him the truth either. Henceforth, Arthur blamed himself still.

Merlin made sure to tell Arthur he was doing a good job when his father disapproved of something he did. He always made sure that Arthur knew where his heart was.

Merlin also made sure he didn't cry all. Merlin was always there for him. To comfort. To trust. To cry on. To be a savior. To help him.

Simple fact is Arthur needs Merlin.

But Merlin is not here right now. He been captured like usual and Arthur can't help but blame himself like he does for the rest. He cries and does something he's thought and tried many times before to do.

Merlin, now, he's escaped like usual. But Athur doesn't know that and Merlin knows what Arthur is thinking. Merlin runs as fast as he can and hopes, with all his heart, that he gets there in time.

It's dark out. Not many people are bustling in the streets at this time. He knows that now is the time.

There was supposed to be a hanging tomorrow but there will be one tonight, too. Everything is in place.

He has written all he wants to say and given letter to the people he wishes goodbye to. One to Giuas for Merlin, too, if he ever makes it back.

He lays out the paper at the edge for everyone to see and places four rocks at the corners to keep it in place from the wind. He lets a tear stray down his face. He knows the only way he'll stop is for Merlin but he isn't here anymore.

He knows it's now or never. He steps on the stool and slips his neck in the loop. He tightens it the best he can himself and pushes the stool away.

It's too light to break his neck so he hangs there as he slowly chokes to death. He getting weaker and weaker when he hears someone. Someone familiar. He realizes who it is and lets the tear fall freely for them. He hears him but can't make out what he's saying.

Then it's black. All black for him.

Merlin has ran and ran all the way to Camelot but he's too late. He can feel it. He shoots and screams to get Arthur to stop but sees he's already done it.

He rushes up to Arthur and cuts the rope. He knows that it's too late but has to try anyway. He tries everything. His magic. CPR. Everything. It's no use.

He cries and sees the paper. It reads:

People of Camelot. I know you think magic is evil but it is not. It has saved us many times. There is a sorcerer amongst you all that you all know and love. He did not know that I knew but I did. He was amazing and deserves credit. I'm sorry I failed you all. Ever since I was born, that is all I've done. Starting with me killing my mother. I know that you all don't think it was my fault but it was. If I was not born, she wouldn't have died in childbirth. I want you all to remember though that magic is not all evil like you have been led to believe. It can be a beautiful thing. Thank you for your time in reading this. Do not mourn for me please. I do not deserve it.

Yours truly,
Arthur Pendragon

I cry. He knew I had magic. That's not important now though. I need to go. I'll let the guards find him body.

I run to Giuas' and my chambers and lay on my bed to cry. Giaus doesn't say anything. He just sets a letter next to my head.

I open it up and immediately recognize Arthur's handwriting.

I'm sorry. So sorry. For everything that happened to you. I know it was my fault and I know you'd forgive me in a heartbeat but I cannot forgive myself. I let them take you. I should have fought for you better. You have a kind heart and loyal soul. I hope you'll remember me even if I don't deserve it.

I wanted to tell you thank you for saving me all those times. I figured out you had magic when you made the wind appear for the fire to kill the Anfac. I just thought you should know.

I also want you to know that everytime I called you an idiot or clumsy whatever, it wasn't true. You're the wisest, most true man I ever could know.

Hopefully we meet again. Maybe in another lifetime or world or something. Who knows. But there was one more thing I wanted to tell you.

I love you.

The Prat or Arthur

I break down crying and whisper, "I love you, too."

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