chapter fifteen - make it up to me: part one

Start from the beginning

I groan softly, her scent taking me over, her body carved perfectly to fit into mine, my face burying into her neck, inhaling deeply. She shudders, her hand tightening around the back of my neck.

"Kitten," I groan.

God, she makes me feel a type of way I can't even handle.

"I - I'm still supposed to be kind of mad at you, Haze," she breathes.

"No," I whimper. I place a warm kiss to her neck and she gasps, groaning softly.

She's changed so much since I first met her.

She was so shy, so uncomfortable around us, so protective over herself. Now, she's kissing my neck and the corners of my mouth and sitting in my lap like it's normal. She's still hesitant, but not as much as before. 

I like it.

I place another kiss to her jaw, then one to the corner of her lips, and she tightens her other hand on my shirt.

I know she missed me. I hope she did, at least.

I missed her too, I'll be one billion percent honest.

I missed her a hell of a lot.

And now I'm with her.

God, I sound like a sappy idiot.

"Kitten," I groan. "Never leave me again. Never."

She slowly moves back and I look at her, her face sad again.

I groan.

"I could stay away from you for so much longer," she whispers. "It hasn't even been a full day, Haze."

She was right. I didn't know how she wasn't staying away from me longer, but I didn't hate it.

She climbs off my lap and sits on her bed, a good gap in between us. I guess she started thinking about what happened between her, Noah, and I.

I felt so bad after I punched Noah, I had to apologize, so I talked to his brother and he told me what hospital Noah was at. Noah and I talked for a while and he had told me tried to make a move on Casey but knew they should just be friends because he didn't wanna get in the way of me and her.

Even though there is and was nothing going on...

But I was still relieved.

Noah decided to call a truce after he punched me in the dick, and I guess we're kind of friends now, which is kinda relieving. 

But Kitten is still mad at me.

"Case, please don't be mad at me," I whisper. "What can I do to make it better?"

She sighs softly. "I don't know if it'll be fully better," She closes her eyes. "I almost finally had my first kiss, Haze, but you... ruined it."

I stared at her, my heart shattering all across her bed. I didn't want to ruin her first kiss for her, but she didn't understand that I had  to have her first kiss, it was mine, I wasn't gonna let anyone take it from her or me.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "But you don't... understand, Case."

"What are you talking about?" She looks at me.

I sigh and rub my eyes, looking away and shaking my head. "Nothing."

She sighs and we both sit in silence, my skin missing hers. I groan softly as I look at how close her hand is to mine. After a few moments, I think she realizes I'm staring at her hand because she reaches over and I hold open my hand instantly, her hand fitting perfectly in mine.

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