XIV - Raise of the New Ruler of the Sea

Start from the beginning

Maria Swann/Triteia POV

although I am .. Queen of the merpeople.. I am not a mermaid myself.. which is rather odd, but no one seemed to mind it.. my thoughts then would drift to James.. I knew he would never betray me.. I know it wasn't him to do it.. But it felt hard for me to breath .. seeing him locking lips with Elizabeth.. it not only saddens me, but it also raises anger within me for my sister, my own flesh and blood.. "My Queen, you look sadden.." enters Syrena.. unlike the other merfolk, Syrena has compassion, understanding, care... emotions.. where as the others seems to only have a few things in mind... hunger for human flesh, respect for their Queen/Ruler, to follow orders, and when they set their minds into something, they will do it, and succeed.. "I'm fine... just thinking of my love... I've punished him.. but I'm also punishing myself for not being with him.." I tell her "..I don't truly understand 'love' but.. it seems wonderful, seeing how it brings a smile to your face so much when you think about your love.." she says "and you're different than the rest.. Syrena, you are unique.. it's pleasing to me that you can understand a few of my feelings.." I say "after my coronation, I will advice a task for you.. to keep an eye in the ocean as I will live in the lands with my love.. of course, you will do as you please.. I will just ask how things are.. you can travel anywhere and everywhere you want as well.. I will have surveillance in the lands when I worry about something." I say "that would be an great honor, my Queen!" she exclaims and I giggle at her behavior. "So, what brings you to my quarters, Syrena?" I ask "o-oh.. right.." she clears her throat "it's time, my Queen.. for your coronation.." she bows "so it would seems.. they have been gathering.. I was wondering why.." I say, glazing upon the crowd of merfolk and sea-folk at the stage-like entrance area of the castle.. "I've brought you the ceremony dress.. normally, you would be bare as you would be a mermaid.. we made you some clothes.." she says then some fish came and presented me with a beautiful sea-foam dress(picture) with a headdress.. "thank you.. for making everything comfortable for me.." I sincerely thank her and she smiles before she takes her leave.. I changed to the dress and walked, barefoot, to the area where I will be crowned Queen..

"Today, we witness the coronation of the reincarnation of our Queen, Triteia." Raine, an old mermaid proclaims and I enter the stage and came in front of her.. the coronation did not need of a crown, but a Trident.. Raine presents me with the trident and as I took it, it glowed then there was slight vibration in the water. I stayed calm, unfazed, seeing as this happened before... in a memory.. Raine swam away and I walk forward to the throne. I turned to face my people and sat. "I present to you all Queen Triteia, Queen of all the waters and sea-life! All hail her highness!" Raine says "All hail Queen Triteia! May she rules for thousands of years again!" Tamara and the others exclaim. I spun the trident in my hand before I stomped the end of it on the grounds, earning their attention.. "I will be returning to land and stay there.. but I hereby make the following mermaids my messengers; Tamara, Syrena, Daphne, Coralia, and Antara.. you five shall form my court.. watchers and protectors of the ocean.. I, of course, will act as your Queen in the Lands.. if there is any problem at all within the ocean, then I shall come and protect it.." I say then stand "for now.. I have a lover from above.. and I intend to stay with him.. until time that he will join me, here, in the ocean as your King." I say then they muttered about having a King.. some were overjoyed.. "a king! a king!" they chanted then I silenced them.. "for now, I have to perform an act of vengeance.. Syrena, Tamara.. I will need your assistance.... we head to the surface.. tonight.."

James Norrington POV

I glace into the ocean and I noticed a little vibration in the seas.. "it has been done.." Jones appeared to my side "what? what has been done?" I ask but he only smirks at me before heading to the Captain Cabin.. when we arrived, the chest was being covered by coral, the men was trying to cut it and open it, but is unsuccessful as more grew as they cut. "What is the meaning of this!? is this your doing?!" Mercer confronts Jones "no.. this be her doing.." he smirks then kills Mercer.. the men gasp but then Jones turn to me, gesturing me to give orders. "Men, stand down." I order and they obey but there was fear in their eyes. "her highness had taken action.. the sea will be freed from the hands of that irritating midget of a lord.. from now, we act as if we are still with him.. understand, Admiral? or your soldiers die.." Jones warns "Maria would never let that happen.. if you are saying she is some type of queen, she would never let my men die.." "women are crazy... they will do anything and everything necessary to get what they want.. or to make what they want happen.."

Elizabeth Swann POV

I was surprised to see than Jack had voted for me to be the pirate King..err-- Queen..? now, I am in charge of a whole lot of pirates.. We form an attack plan as we will head to battle in the morning.. Captain Barbossa had other plans as he wishes to free Calypso.. the 9 pieces of 8 from the court had mysteriously disappeared.. so, many kept a close eye on Tia Dalm-- ..err.. Calypso.. in case she was going to escape.. "dere's no use in keeping an eye on me.. ye will give me up to 'er.." Tia Dalma says behind bars "'her'..? who's 'her'? who are you talking about?" Barbossa questions "ye know about me as 'Calypso' .. but ye don't know much about Triteia.." she says "Triteia? you mean that urban Goddess of the Ocean?" Jack ask "she's taking action.. and dere is no stopping her.. not even I as she commands me, de sea, and everything that is on it.." she smiles then retreats to the shadows..

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