III - Tour around the town

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Maria Swann POV
I woke around 5 in the morning, the usual time I would wake up and got myself ready for the day. I bathe, brushed my hair, , and was on my way to make breakfast. I searched around everywhere until I found the kitchen. "Good Morning, Miss." they greet me in chorus "g-Good Morning..." I greet back, and cursed my shyness around people I've never met.. "what brings you to the kitchen, Miss?" a maid asks "w-well.. I usually prepare my own breakfast.." I say "I see. we were just about to prepare the breakfast. If it makes you feel comfortable, then you are more than welcome to use the kitchen, miss. and if you need something, please, don't hesitate to ask." the maid says before she was called to go back to work. I fully enter the kitchen and familiarized myself for a while before taking some ingredients to make strawberry scones with cream. I don't want my hair to be in the way so, I tied it with a simple ribbon and I had an apron on to prevent some stuff to get on my dress.

After about at least half an hour, my scones were done and I prepared my favorite tea to go along with the scones, Darjeeling Milk Tea and I had everything ready to start my day. some of the servants had offered to carry my tray, but I declined their offer in a nice manner. I simply know not where to go, so I went around until Elizabeth found me and she literary jumped off a few steps left of the stairs and nearly tackled me. "I wasn't dreaming! you're really here!" she says then looks at the tray I've been carrying. "What are you doing with that? shouldn't that be in the dining room?" she asks "w-well.. some of my old habits.. you know how I would sneak my breakfast to the library every morning.. and I'm a bit lost.. I know not where I am going.." I confess then she straightened her posture "why didn't you say so! you could have let a maid lead you the way or carry the tray." she says then goes through a door. "the dining room is here. come, join me for breakfast and we shall have a stroll around the town to have you familiarized with it." she says and I nod and set my tray down just as Father enters. "Good morning, girls." he greets with a very happy smile. "Good Morning, father." Elizabeth and I chorused "what smells so good this morning? breakfast isn't even set yet." father asks "I woke from a sweet smell as well and it led me to Mari." Elizabeth says "perhaps I've grown use to the smell of my own cooking.." I mutter under my breath but I seemed to have been heard. "oh my! what a fine young lady you've become over the years, my child. you've learned to cook! someday, you would make a fine bride to a fine gentleman!" father says and took a seat in the middle as Elizabeth and I took the ones on his sides. before I took my seat, I served them a couple of my strawberry scones with cream glaze before the maids came in and placed the food on the breakfast table. after we said out prayers, we start to eat. I, a light-eater, simply ate my scones and tea. "good gods! these scones are scrumptious, my dear! don't you agree, Elizabeth?" father exclaims as Elizabeth merely had stuffed her face with the scone.. "Elizabeth! mind your manners! what if we have visitors?" father scolds and as if on clue, a servant comes and informs us that Captain Norrington had come. Father did not hesitate to tell the man to let in and not let him wait any longer. The servant opens the door wide and reveals the Captain. Father stood and greeted the man, Elizabeth tries to not choke on her scone and tea, and I merely sipped my tea, hoping to be ignored. "Good Morning, Governor." the Captain greets father "and you as well, Captain. please, join us for breakfast if you have not already. my Maria had woken so early and made these fantastic scones!" father exclaims "f-father.." "don't be shy, James! sit where you like!" father gives the man a loud-ish pat on the back. "if you don't mind then, Governor, I'll take that offer." Captain says then starts to walk towards my direction.

Elizabeth Swann POV
I was quite surprise to see James walk towards my sister instead of coming to my direction. "If it's alright with you, may I take the seat next to you?" he asks my sister, who doesn't know how to react "she doesn't mind, believe me. she's just shy around other who she barely knows. she's actually quite talkative, especially about books." I tell James, who seemed surprised at my sudden outburst. Father scolds me for my behavior, but my eyes were at my sister and James. my sister seemed to have given a nod of approval to James, who seemed pleased with the twinkle in his eyes that I noticed yesterday. My sister serves him the last couple of scones and a cup of tea and he thanks her. "So, do tell me, James, to what to we owe the pleasure of you coming here so early?" father asks and James attention turned to my sister "I was actually hoping if I could show young Miss Swann around town.. seeing that she's new and all.." James say "that's a marvelous idea!" father says "actually, Mari and I made plans to take a stroll around town. you know, sisterly bonding after so long." I say "I see..." James says, a bit disappointed before he takes a bite at my sister's scone. "these are positively delicious. the best I've ever tasted!" James exclaims, a tad bit uncharacteristic and father chuckles. "Why don't the Captain join you both? it's fine, right Maria?" father asks her and James had a bit of hope in his eyes. Mari seemed to only nod, with her face hidden as her head was down. I smiled wickedly and turn to father. "Actually, Mari and I can bond another time, father. Mari should get over her shyness around people first. Captain Norrington, why don't you take my sister around town for me?" as I said this, Mari's head snapped up and she looked at me with an alarmed expression, I just smile at her. "what a wonderful thought, Elizabeth! take care of my daughter for the day, alright Captain?" Father says and James seems to brighten and accepts. My sister exist with the reason to get her gloves and parasol. "whatever does she needs those for?" I ask "your sister grew sensitivity to direct sunlight as she had hidden herself from it for all those years.. to which also explains her ghostly pale complexion and very light hair tone." father explains before he makes his way out. but not before stopping at James. "I'm counting on you to take care of my daughter, Captain. don't let me down." James gave him a nod and it was my turn to give him a fair warning as father had gone to work. "My sister had her share of terrible experiences with people outside our family. Don't let her get hurt in any way, James. If she trips, or suddenly hurt her ankle, you will be an enemy to me." he swallows a lump on his throat before he nods.. Satisfied, I left him to make my own journey to tell Will about my sister.

James Norrington POV
I await for the younger Swann just outside, where the carriage awaits for us. The door opens to reveal the beauty that she is with her porcelain hand covered by white gloves and a dark red parasol that matches her dress. she was dressed plainly almost like a peasant, unlike the black and blue gown she had worn yesterday.. but whatever she wears, she always makes them look more elegant and beautiful than the less the are. "shall we?" I offer my arm for her loop around. She hesitates at first but accepts my offer. I guided her to the carriage and helped her in, after opening the door. I got in myself and tapped on the ceiling to signal the driver to go and we were off.

"...to your left, would be a tailor shop and next to it is the fabric store, and to your right, is shoemaker's shop.. around the corner is the market place and not far from here is a pu- is everything alright?" I stopped and ask, noticing she seemed to be a bit unhappy. "I appreciate the kind tour, Captain.. but.. w-wouldn't it be better if we... w-walk?" her cheeks were painted a light rose pink to her shyness. I tap the ceiling of the carriage to signal the driver to stop. "my apologies.. I thought that it would be convenient to show you around by carriage because of you sensitivity to sunlight. I was merely thinking of your safety more than anything else.. never did it crossed my mind that it would make you unhappy.." guilt consumed me "p-please.. don't... I'm actually.. quite pleased that you were thinking about me.." she says as I can see a bit of her shyness towards me had gone. I opened the door and stepped out then extended a hand towards her. "shall we start over again? I think you'd enjoy walking and going inside the stores and areas of the town than I explain which is where and what's inside.." I offer with a kind smile. she returns a small smile towards me and this time, she does not hesitate to take my hand after she had opened her parasol. She steps out and I told the driver to go on a head without us. And with that, she and I walked around town, earning stares and glances.. but I would always have my attention on the beauty beside me, who ignores all the attention and focused more on the little things she sees. at every stop we would spend a minute looking around, but when we arrived at the Bookstore, her eyes would shine as her hand travels from a book to another. She had at least 3 books at hand as she went and purchased them. I chuckle at her child-like behavior like how they would be so excited to enter a candy shop. "what books have you purchased?" I ask "a book of mystery, a book of fantasy, and a book of magic.. those types of books are my favorite types to read.. I sometimes catch myself muttering a spell for some sort just for the fun of it." she says then smiles brightly at me. I was taken by surprise as she smiled at me with a bright light in her dark eyes and how her shyness had gone away for a while as she spoke highly of the types of books she fancies. she noticed her talkative tongue and apologized before going back to her timid personality. I smile at her "please, continue.. I love to hear more of your interest.. I would to know you more." I tell her and her face reddens before she opens a book and shows me some of her favorite parts in the book.

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