V - Pirates

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Maria Swann POV
A few months pass and Father has informed me that James, as I started calling him about a few fortnights ago, was getting promoted to Commodore. Father had dresses shipped from England for the occasion. The maids offered to help me ready, but I didn't want to be a bother and insisted they help my sister instead. I've grown a bit use to the corsets, but to fit the dress father gave us, I must tighten it twice as I usually do. Once I've done the corset, I slipped on the and I must admit.. this dress was beautiful! I didn't do anything special to my hair as I just brushed it straight like I always do and let it as it is.. I head to my trunk and looked for my cream colored gloves and parasol, I slipped on my gloves before I head down and saw Mr. Turner. "Good Morrow, Mr. Turner." I greet as he breaks a candle holder in surprise. "Greetings, young miss. i-I apologize for this.." he says as he gestures towards the broken piece then hid it inside a vase as a servant passed. As I descend down the stairs, father joins me. "Good Morning, my child." father greets "Good morning, father." I greet back "Mr. Turner, good seeing you again." Father greets our guest. "good day, sir. I have your order." Mr. Turner places a box on the table, opens it and gives father the sword. Father unsheathes it and inspects it. "The blade is folded steel. That's gold filigree laid into the handle. and if I may ?" Mr. Turner explains then gestures to take the sword and father gives it to him. Mr. Turner balances the sword at the tip of his finger. "Perfectly balances. The tang is nearly the full width of the blade." Mr. Turner flicks his finger and the sword went flying and he caught it perfectly before he presents it back to father, who takes and sheathes it. "Impressive.. Very impressive. Commodore Norrington will be please, I'm sure. Do pass my compliments on to your master." father says and Will packs the sword back in the box and a servant took it. "i-I shall. A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated. thank you." Will then looks pass father and stares at something, or someone. "Elizabeth! you look stunning!" father exclaims and Mr. Turner was awestruck. "Will! It's good to see you!" Elizabeth greets as she descends from the stairs. "I dreamt about you last night." Elizabeth tells "Elizabeth, this is hardly appropriate--" father tries to scold but was ignored. "about the day we met. do you remember?" "how could I forget, Miss Swann?" "Will, how many times must I ask you to call me 'Elizabeth'?" "At least once more, Miss Swann, as always." Elizabeth seems a bit disappointed before father ushed us out. "Well said! There's a boy who understand propriety. Now, we must be going." We exit the house and into the carriage.

With choreographed precision, Father removes the sword from the case, that was held by a uniform Navy man. Father holds out the sword vertically to James, who was in dressed in his full uniform. James drew the sword and flourishes it, and then holds the blade in front of his face. Father steps forward then pins the medal to James's jacket before stepping back. James nods in thanks, then turns to his fellow officers, that gave him a silent congratulatory nod and does the same, before he turns again and nods gratefully at the audience for coming. James demonstrates his skill with the sword once more, before he sheathes his sword and the audience broke in a loud applause, and a couple of Navy men, backslapping James, proud and happy for him. I clap along with the audience and Elizabeth. I made my ways to the cool shadows, closing my parasol as I've grown tired of holding it up for nearly 2 hours.. someone taps my shoulder and I turn and saw James' smiling face. "James. congratulations on the promotion." I curtsy "Why thank you, Maria." he bows and gently took my gloved hand and placed a kiss upon it. "might I say, you look absolutely stunning today." he compliments and I start to feel oddly happy. "thank you, James. but, I look like this everyday." I say and he chuckles "indeed you do. you don't do much as to wear a dress that compliments most of your features and let your hair be, or tie it every now and then. but in all truthfully, today, you seem much more beautiful.." he says and we smile at each other before he offers his hand for us to dance, of course we would stay in the shade as we waltz.

Promises (Pirates of the Caribbean/James Norrington Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora