Day 5

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Dig a little bit deeper in that if the Alexandrian Wicca or the Gardenian Wicca.


The Gardenian and Alexandrian Wicca are both types of Wicca. I, myself, are neither of these types of Wicca. I am a Christian Wicca. I do, however, believe that it is important to get to know how other types of Wicca practise. Finding the similarities/differences of yours and other types of Wicca can help respect or even become that type.


•Decide what type of Wicca that you want to study. Choose one that you are not.
•Research your chosen type of Wicca.
•Create a similarities/differences table.
•Compare the type of Wicca that you are with the one that you have chosen to research.
•On your table, write everything that is similar to the two types of Wicca.
•In your differences column, write what is different.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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