Chapter 2

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The sky turned from blue to pink in a matter of seconds as Fifer drove lina home from the crick they visited. "Fifer, I made a new friend today." lina said as she smiled at her older sister. "Oh really? What's their name?" Fifer asked. "Pennywise."lina replied as they turned in to the driveway. Lina hopped out of the car and ran to the house,letting Luna out in the process. "Luna,heel."Fifer said making her black and white pit bull terrier sit at her feet. Luna may only be four months old but she was smart and determined to listen. Fifer leaned down and patted her head and snapped her fingers towards the house. As she made her way Luna stopped and growled at the sewer drain across the street. "What's wrong Luna?"Fifer asked as Luna growled then barked. Her eyes went to the drain as a red balloon floated out. "Luna get inside now." Fifer told her and she listened.
That night, Fifer and Lina played some board games as their mom played their grandmothers acoustic guitar. "Can I go play with georgie tomorrow? He asked if I could play if it was alright with mom." Lina asked as her mom nodded. "I don't mind." Fifer said hugging Lina. After their game, they went to their rooms to sleep but Fifer couldn't and snuck out.
Fifer lays on the edge of the cliff at the quarry and watches the stars as twigs snapped behind her. "Hey new girl." Henry said as the others followed behind him. "Hey asshole."she replied not looking at him. They sat around her with Vic to her left and Henry to her right. "What do you guys want."she asked annoyed. "You." Patrick stated bluntly. "Can't have me." "and why not?" "cause I don't date bitches like you." they all laughed and looked around. "So, you wanna hang tomorrow?" belch asked and she shrugged. "Don't know, I have to take Lina to play with georgie tomorrow."she replied. "Stuttering Bill's brother?"Vic asked. "Just Bill Vic, he can't help the stuttering."Fifer replied defensively as they sat in silence.
When she got home it was three in the morning. Fifer climbed through her window and plopped onto her bed then fell asleep. It was nine in the morning by the time she woke up, and read the note her mom left for her saying that she took lina to play with georgie. She got up and changed clothes then went to the little restaurant for breakfast.
As she ate, Fifer reads her book she took with her. The bell of the dinner rang and the person sat in front of her. "Hello, I need to ask you some questions." the officer asked. "Sure,shoot." she replied. "So you know a Georgie Denbrough?"he asked. "Yeah,that's my sister's friend and a friend of mines little brother."she replied. "Well he disappeared this morning, and your sister was the last one to see him." he said as she looked at him in disbelief. "He's missing? How? Are you looking for him? Is lina ok?" Fifer asked worried. "Yes,we do not know,yes and yes."he answered all her questions. After saying goodbye, Fifer got in her car and went to Bill's house.
It had been a month since georgie disappeared and everything. Fifer made sure lina was at school and made it home safely. "They'll find him Bill, he'll be ok."she said as her friend slumped his shoulders. Fifer sighed and pushed a strand of her black hair behind her ear. She couldn't help but doubt that they'll find him, they never did the rest.
The sky turned dark as she pulled into her driveway. After exiting the car, she look up at the sky and saw the dull stars."damn lights." she said to herself as she went inside her home. Little did she know, someone was watching her and Lina since they moved there.

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