Sam gave me a suspicious look but answered my question anyway.

"Actually no, I was dating a guy up until spring this year," She explained simply, not seeming even the tiniest bit bothered by her revelation. "Haven't really met anyone that I'm into since."

I looked over to Harvey and watched as the gears turned in his head.

The conversation seemed to stay around relationships and dating for a while before it somehow strayed to the handsome McCain brothers, courtesy of my great friend Sam.

"I also felt so BAD for Sebbie when he told me that he had both of them today." Sam told Dipi, the other guys at our table stopping their conversation about the school's sports teams tryouts when they heard my name. "No one should deal with so much handsomeness on the same day."

Sebbie? I thought. Where did she get that fro-

I tense considerably when I process what she said.

I look the two of them in the eyes trying to plead for them to drop the subject but they aren't looking at me.

The guys are.

"Really Sebastian?" My sister asked, looking at me briefly to see my nod but turned away so fast I couldn't even try to express my panic through my eyes. "Oh that sucks so bad, their faces should actually be illegal."

The three other people at our table lost interest at that and continued talking about the swim team Warlo planned on joining.

The two of them continued to talk about the brothers until the rest of our table had to leave for their classes, leaving Sam my sister and I.

Once all of the guys were completely out of sight I let go.

"Tell me you understand my pain." I pleaded to my sister, whining pitifully. "I thought it was enough to see my idol during breakfast and find out that he was a thousand times more handsome than the rumors stated, but then I have to be taught by him and his brother on the same day every single day?"

At Calfuray Academy students had about four classes a day. Each day consisted of two classes you do every other day and two classes you do every day. You have the opportunity to change your every other day classes but your every day classes can only be changed at the end of each year. 

I wanted to help the different species in a more hands on sense in the future so one of my every day classes was Understanding The Basic Differences Between The Species and my other was Finding Your Strength Based On Your Species And Playing To It.

There were several teachers who taught both of those classes but somehow I ended up with both of the McCain brothers teaching the two classes I couldn't change for the rest of the year. The two classes I had to go to every single school day for the rest of the year.

Dipi sighed putting her hand out to gently tap my head from where I had placed it on the table.

"Sorry but no," She told me. "I don't."

I growned even louder, ignoring the looks I was getting and bang my head onto the table again.

"Woe is me." I say, pulling out my phone and checking the time. "And I have to be taught by the other McCain brother in like fifteen minutes." I sigh again. "I'm gonna go, if I have to deal with this I want to be in the best mood possible and I don't think that is possible after being trampled by a heard of students."

Calfuray Academy (ManxMan) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now