Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: A Connection

The younger McCain brother had me gaping in awe. I hadn't expected much from him, but the moment he actually started teaching I wondered how I didn't find flyers around the school for a fan club. He was amazing, it usually difficult for a teacher to just make what they were teaching easy to understand but not only was he easy to understand, he was also incredibly creative. He approached teaching in a way I had never seen before and I never wanted to leave. 

Eventually though he turned his left wrist, checking an expensive looking brown leather band watch and broke the news to the class.

"It looks like I'll have to end class here, we'll start the first chapters of introduction to species understanding tomorrow." He said, looking up to the class and smiling softly before turning around to organize his things.

Sam and I got up, putting our stuff away while -I'm a little ashamed to admit this- giggling to each other about our teacher.

"How is he not the entire face of this school?" She asked in disbelief. "They should just make a huge costume of him so he can become our school mascot."

I nodded my head eagerly.

"Absolutely. You can't be such an amazing teacher and not get your own statue somewhere on the property." Sam and I continued to create ways to reward the younger McCain for being such an amazing teacher until we couldn't hold in our laughter any longer, practically screaming at our ridiculous ideas.

"He seriously is a great teacher." I thought out loud smiling warmly at the memory of his eyes lighting as he spoke of the different species that made up our world.

"Yeah, he is." Sam agreed. "And fucking hot too."

The two of us laughed again.

"I think we already established that Sam." I teased her.

"Yeah but when someone looks that good, it should come up every five minutes."

"True that."


Before we had to split up for our next classes Sam and I agreed to sit together for lunch, she had told me earlier that she hadn't really made any friends before me so there wasn't any reason for us to not sit together.

By the time Sam had finally entered the lunch room though, Harvey and Thulani had already convinced me into joining them telling me that they didn't mind Sam coming as well. But when Sam actually joined Harvey got complete goo goo eyes and I knew He was already gone.

It was actually pretty convenient because prior to that Harvey kept glancing at me and sending me weird looks and I didn't feel like going. "What? Do I remind you of Rihanna?" and instead did my best to ignore it.

Now that Sam was here, unknowingly laughing and giggling at his jokes and flipping back her short blond hair Harvey was thoroughly distracted. My sister and Warlo also ended up joining us and every once in a while I would look Lani's way, hoping to find him looking at my sister but unfortunately for me, he barely even gave her the occasional look. Still I decided to take the good with the bad and spent my thoughts on plans to get The Great Ham sailing beautifully across the pacific.

"So Ham- I mean Sam, I never got to ask you while we were talking earlier, are you in a relationship?" I asked her once there was a pause in the conversation. "You seem like the girlfriend type."

Sam had already tricked me into revealing my sexuality earlier so she knew I wasn't asking because I was into her and my sister has known I was gay since I was fifteen. But the other three guys did not, so if thinking I had the hots for Sam made my question not seem as odd than go ahead, call me Bi.

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