
Y/n:1 . . .


Y/n:2 . . .

Hero:Who are fighting!?


We kicked the doors. Okay, I kicked the door and it flew across the courtyard. Hero hit the door with the wet noodle he calls a leg and the door slowly swung open. My door hit some kid with blue hair. While Hero's door swung open to reveal a white haired guy with sharp teeth and death the kid.

DTK:I don't know what's worse. The fact that that was planned and had potential for symmetry or the fact that it'll be days before it ever will be again.

Y/n:I know that I don't care.

Sharky:Hey! Only me and black star are allowed to make fun of his fetish.

DTK:It's not a fetish!

Y/n:Who's Blackstar?

???:I AM!

I looked into the court yard and saw a crowd was just standing around watching us.

Y/n:Could you yell a little louder!? Hard to tell who you are amongst all the side characters!

???:Excuse me.

I turned to see some girl that looked like the description of  Spirit's daughter.

Y/n:Maka Albarn?

???:Have we meet?

Hero:No, he's just a perv.

Y/n:Could you please stop trying to make me into something I'm not!

Hero:I'm just stating facts.

Y/n:They're all wrong. Not to mention based off of nothing substantial.

Maka:Uhm. Guys?

Y/n:I'm sorry. What was you wanted to say?

Maka:Souls an idiot and I heard you're pretty strong so could you not break him.


Y/n:Honestly I don't think I could hurt anybody with this guy as a meister.


DTK:I challenge you delinquents!

Y/n:Aren't you a delinquent for trying to fight on school grounds?

Soul:I thought we agreed it was the five of us.

TallTwin:I don't know I kind of want to just watch.

ShortTwin:Nah. We gotta shoot the crazy people.

Y/n:Where did all these people come from?

???:None of them matter! The great Blackstar is the only one you need to focus on!

I turned back to the crowd to see the same kid with blue hair.

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