The Breathing

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(A/N: This one is actually by me. This is my first time writing a Creepypasta so... Don't judge me too harshly)

I'm 20 years old, still living with my mom. I have a younger brother, 10 years old, his name is Jakob. My father is no longer in the picture, he left us all after Jakob was born. I hate him. But that has nothing to do with my story.

It all started about five months ago. Since I did college from home, I'd stay up late at night, sometimes only until 1:00 AM, other times til a lot later. When I'd try to fall asleep, I'd hear... Breathing. Human breathing. It came from my closet and I'd always chalk it up to the house settling. Houses made strange noises when it was settling.

One day, I brought it up to my mom who just rolled her eyes. "You know I don't believe in shit like that, Liam. It's probably the house settling."

I sighed deeply. "But, mom, it sounds like breathing."

"It's just the house," she snapped.

I sighed again and dropped the subject. I didn't want her to get upset.

"Mom, I've heard it too," Jakob told my mom, "It really is breathing."

"Be quiet, Jakob. There isn't anything breathing in your brother's closet,"

I rolled my eyes and Jakob didn't say anything in response.

It was the weekend now and Jakob was staying up late with me to watch me play video games. I was playing Kingdom Hearts 2.8 on my PS4. This game franchise was my absolute favorite. And it seemed that Jakob liked it too.

I paused the game. "Do you hear it?" I asked.

Jakob nodded.

It was happening again. The breathing. The human breathing. 

"Go wake up mom and tell her to come here," I told him.

He got up from my bed and ran out of the room. I listened intently as the breathing got heavier, as if someone had just run a marathon.

Jakob came back into my room, our mother in tow.

"What is it?" she snapped, "What was so important--"

It seemed that she heard it because she stopped talking. A wicked grin slowly appeared on her face suddenly as she listened to the breathing. "Didn't I ever tell you boys that you had an older sister? And that I killed her? Her ghost must be haunting us." She brought a knife from behind her and swung it at me.

I dodged away from her as she swung the knife at me again.

"What is wrong with you?!" I yelled, throwing my bedside lamp at her.

She easily side stepped it and jumped at me. I fell on my bed and she clamored atop me, raising the knife above her head. Right as she was about to swing it down, into my body, a metal bat hit her head. A sickening loud "thunk" sounded throughout the room and my mother fell onto my bed, unconscious and bleeding profusely from the wound in her head.

"Thanks, Jakob," I said to my little brother, breathing heavily.

We quickly called the cops and they rushed over to the house, along with an ambulance. My mother died as they were loading her into it.

"What happened?" A cop asked me.

And so I told him about what my mother had done, trying to kill me after she told us that she killed our eldest sister, whom I never knew about. 

"Do you have any idea where her body could be?"

I vaguely remembered my mother always telling us to not go into the basement.

"The basement," I whispered.

The cops grabbed a shovel from our shed in the backyard. Then they went into the basement and started digging in the dirt. Soon enough, they hit something. It was a body. Turns out it was my older sister. My mother had killed her by stabbing her.

After that ordeal I didn't hear the breathing anymore. 

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