chapter one

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Hi I'm Fifer Moon, and I just moved to Derry Maine over the winter from Brooklyn New York. It's just me, my sister Lina who's 4 and my mom Kalista Criss Moon. And this is my story.

It was a bright morning in Derry. Fifer lays in her bed waiting for her sister to wake up. She was worried that she wouldn't really fit in but she had met a relative she hadn't seen in years. "Fifer, Lina, it's time for breakfast." kalista said. Lina woke up after a few minutes and got dressed then headed down for breakfast. "Hey mom, can I drive to school today?"Fifer asked her mom. "I don't mind, just be careful."kalista said and ruffled Lina's hair. "I will.' Fifer replies and grabs the car keys. Fifer and lina went out and got into their dads '64 plymouth barracuda then left their home. After dropping lina off at kindergarten, Fifer made her way to the high school.
When she entered the parking lot by the school, Fifer noticed a group of boys standing by a blue trans am. She parked and got out of the car. Fifer made her way to the entrance when a tall lanky boy blocked her path. "Hey beautiful, haven't seen you here." the boy said as three others walked up to them. "Damn, new meat, what's wrong slut?cat got your tongue?" the boy with a mullet asked. The blonde and the chubby boys laughed. "Excuse me? Who the f*ck do you think I am? And like you should be talking. You probably couldn't please a girl even of you tried." Fifer retorted earning an Ohhh from three of the boys. Her green eyes shown with determination and fearlessness. "B*tch, you're talking to the wrong guy."he replied. He gripped her collar and pulled her close. "Ooooo, I'm just so scared." she said and torn his hands from her shirt and walked into the school. "Hey Vic."she yelled back at the blonde. "Heya Fifer."the blonde yelled back earning a loud what from his friends.
After her first few classes she headed to lunch. She had made friends with a group known as the losers club. As she say down, Eddie took a puff of his inhaler. "You ok there eds?" she asked. "Yea,just needed to take a treatment."Eddie replies as Bowers,patrick,and belch walked past them. "Ok,t-t-they a-a-are mmmissing one."Bill said as stan was pulled to the side. "Hey Fifer."Vic said and say beside her as the others froze. "Hey Vic."she replied. "How do you know each other?"Richie asked. "We're cousins."Fifer and Vic said at the same time. "WHAT!?!?!?!"They all exclaimed at the same time. "Yeah. My mom is his moms sister. We grew up together until my dad got a new job."Fifer explained. After they got to know the both of them they found out that Vic isn't as bad as the others.
After school had let out, Fifer and the losers club had exited the school then went there separate ways. "Hey Fifer, want to hang out?" Vic asks standing by his friends who were looking her up and down. "Can't Vic, I need to pick up Lina from kindergarten."she replied then got into her car and started it up,blasting One by Metallica. Once she pulled out she made her way to pick up lina.

First chapter up,kinda trying to keep everyone in character.

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