chapter thirteen - carnival

Start from the beginning

Wall tightens his grip on me, practically breaking my ribs.

"Whatcha say, sweetheart?"

I feel all eyes on me, and it makes me break a sweat.

I don't want to make Wall angry, but I want to go to the carnival with Noah. I've never gone to a carnival with a boy that wasn't my family and Jovie's boyfriend before.

"I - I don't know." I manage to sputter.

"Hm," Wall grunts triumphantly.

Noah still smiles kindly. "Will you at least think about it and text me your final decision?"

I nod slightly.

"Cool. Hopefully, I'll see you tonight." He pulls me from Wall's grip and hugs me, kissing my cheek and walking to his car. I exhale, clearing my throat and running a hand through my hair. I look at Wall who's angrily watching Noah get in his car and drive out of the school parking lot, and I grab his arm, his head snapping down to look at me.

"Relax," I say softly.

He grunts and pulls away from me, getting in the car and waiting for the rest of us to get in. I sigh and sit in the back seat, staying against the left passenger door and watching out the window, all of us driving in silence.

(You can't let Wall keep you from having fun with a boy.)

I know, but I don't want him angry at me.

(Screw what he thinks. Case, you're almost seventeen and you've never gone anywhere with a boy unless it was your brothers or Jovie's family and friends. You gotta have some fun. You can't let Wall keep you from having a life.)

He wouldn't care if it was any other boy, he only cares because it's Noah and he hates him.

(Are you sure  he wouldn't be angry about any other boy?)

Well, that  doesn't make me feel any better.

(Just text Noah.)

I sigh softly, looking at my phone screen.


CASEY: what time is the carnival?

NOAH: 7-9

CASEY: pick me up at my house? i'll text you the address

NOAH: sure thing, beautiful :)


The boys drop Jovie and I off at my house since I asked them too, and we all get out to hug each other.

Everyone except Wall.

I sigh sadly as I look at Khakis and Hair.

"Don't worry, Kitten," Hair sighs. "We'll talk to him."

I slowly shake my head. "Don't worry about it. I'm going to the carnival with Noah. I don't care what he thinks anymore. He's always angry with me."

"That's not true, Casey," Khakis says. "He's just... I really don't have any explanation, he's never like this. But we'll figure out what's going on."

I slowly shake my head. "Again, don't worry about it. I don't care anymore. See you guys later." I walk into my house, Jovie following close behind.

"Hey," Jovie holds my face before we walk upstairs. "Don't be sad, girl. We gotta get you primped. You've got a date."

I smile slightly.



"You need to quit being such a jackass to Casey," I say to Haze as he, Elias, and I are in Elias' room, playing video games.

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