Chapter 30: Enough

Start from the beginning

She pressed her lips into mine causing the silence that I thought I wanted. She pulled away and uncuffed me. I rubbed my wrists and pulled her in for another kiss. She smiled a bit which cause the same reaction in return. "Marcus we are going to get through this together, ok? You asked me if you were enough for me. You are all I need Marcus. I just want to be all you need as well." She put our hands together and I put my head to her shoulder. Thank God for her. I truly do not deserve kindness like this.

"Come home with me."

I hesitated. "Brooklyn. I'm such an awful person."

"Then let's be awful together."

I let go of her hand and hugged her tightly. I hid my face in her shoulder to prevent myself from crying. I let go and she put up her pinky.

"Please actually sleep tonight. You are growing bags and you don't have that glow to you anymore...." She mumbled kissing my cheek. I wrapped my pinky finger around hers and smiled softly wiping my eyes with my other hand. She got up to leave and smiled at me. "I love you."

"I- love you more Brook."

She gave a cheeky smile and closed the cell door.

I spent so many nights awake with my own nightmares and fears that I forgot how to sleep. I kept looking at my hands as I tried to doze off. Was it really me that did all that stuff? Was it really me that joined Hydra?

I caused so much pain. Even after..... Even after I blacked out. I still managed to hurt Brooklyn in other ways. I yawned and blinked a few times.

I rolled into my back and fluttered my eyes closed. I heard intense arguing coming up the stairs. I immediately went to the window hoping it was Brooklyn like a puppy at a store. "Brooklyn you can't do that. That's against-"

"I am your superior so you follow my god damn orders. Leave me alone."

"The moment you touch that animal's cage. I have the right to shoot you."

"Glenn fuck.... Off!" She snapped.

"Brooklyn I'm warning you." Glenn said.

"Brook you don't have to-" I began to stand.

I felt the rumble of an explosion to the side of me. "Well fucking thanks...... Let's alert everyone why don't we." Viviana rolled her eyes.

"Who are you....." Brooklyn glared.

My chest collapsed as I watched Viviana get closer. "Darling. What have they done to you. You look so under fed. Unclean. And your eyes. You look so tired pumpkin. Have they hurt you in anyway?" She asked touching the glass tenderly. I backed up to the corner. I didn't want her to meet Brook. Not at all. Or at least. Not now.

"I'm Marcus's girlfriend..." Viviana sighed

Brooklyn started laughing. "Alright.... I'll ask again." She whipped out her gun. "Who really are you?"

"I am Viviana Hafner. I was Marcus's first love for a while.... Then I dumped him. He hasn't been the same ever since. Kind of like that Alex situation. My baby has a very fragile mind."

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