The Match and New Regulars

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Hey guys a lot of you realized that some of the things from Another Sawamura ended up in this post last time...I am so sorry....

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As the game started Hikari realized one thing. In the little time Eijun had since Coach had given Eijun the clue, Eijun had turned it into a new pitching style. What amazed Hikari the most is that not a normal pitcher could catch this ball.

'An already curving that Eijun has some proper base he'll be unstoppable.' Hikari thought

Hikari hated how everyone on the second string was blaming Eijun because there was now a runner on second and first. She became even more frustrated when the alumni started to chant at Eijun to get off the mound. Hikari had enough. She knew only one person, other than Miyuki, who could probably catch Eijun's balls.

"Chris-Senpai you have to get out there!"Hikari cried

Chris turned to Hikari...

"You know I can't."Chris replied

"Then why have you fought so hard to go through rehab and work to get strength back into your shoulder?"Hikari asked

Chris didn't say anything he just turned back to the game. Hikari found herself ignoring what was going on in the dugout and trying to figure out a way to help Eijun without tossing Chris into the game herself. About that time she heard something move beside her. Hikari looked and saw Chris walking onto the field.

'Wow, I missed a lot...'Hikari thought 'Miyuki always said that I get too focused on things.'

When Chris walked on the field it was like time started to slow down for the other team. Hikari smiled when she saw how Chris was playing.

'It's almost like he was never injured.' Hikari thought

Hikari smile became even bigger when she realized what play they were doing. Chris had called everyone in, even the outfielders. To some it was a risky move, but to Chris it would be child's play. Chris was going for a two out situation...and that's what he got. Hikari couldn't help but think that Chris was a better game planner than Miyuki. Hikari's smile fell a little when she noticed something.

'Even thought Chris-Senpai is doing a good job he still can't really catch Eijun's balls.' Hikari thought

Hikari watched in amazement as Chris kept playing...Hikari stepped out of the dugout and leaned against the fence. About that time she heard a voice say:

"That's how you see be, Chris-Senpai!"

Hikari turned and saw Miyuki.

"Mi-chan!"Hikari cried

Miyuki wouldn't lie, it felt nice to hear Hikari call his name again. The two watched Eijun and Chris go against the other team.

"It's amazing to watch him hu?"Hikari asked

"Yeah, speaking of which you zoned out and missed the whole conversation between him and coach didn't you?"Miyuki asked

Hikari felt her cheeks start to burn.

"Hey, that's mean!"Hikari cried

Miyuki smirked, but replied it's the truth. The two were sending comments back and forth when Chris and Eijun walked up.

"What you gain in practice isn't at all what you gain in games."Miyuki said "Make sure you learn well"

Eijun was glad that Hikari was there acting like her old self...but...he could care less about Miyuki. About that time Eijun rose up his hand to Miyuki and said:

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