The Clash begins.....

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  • Dedicado a Tabby:))))

It was night time at Seidou and everyone was in the lunchroom eating.  Hikari had taken her seat by Eijun since her other friends (the regulars) were sitting with their friends. Hikari could only giggle at Eijun’s eating habits. However, she did keep a chair in-between them in case he got sick again. Hikari was eating her rice while Eijun was shoveling his down saying:

“A-Another bowl please.”

It was a pretty peaceful dinner till Hikari heard a familiar voice:

“You’re eating now? You were throwing up on the first day.”

Miyuki walk and sat in-between the two. Miyuki had decided, much to Hikari’s misery, to just annoy her till she talked to him again…and he was keeping to his word. Miyuki turned to her and said:

“You youngsters are lucky you grow so fast.”

“Shut up!”Eijun said with a mouth full

“You’ve gotta chew more before you talk Ei-chan or you’ll choke.”Hikari replied “Just ignore him that’s what I do a hundred percent of the time.”

“That hurt Hika-chan.”Miyuki replied

Eijun used this time to look around the cafeteria.

“Everyone’s so quite.”Eijun said

Hikari had to agree. She hated this atmosphere.

“Did something happen?”Eijun asked her

“You haven’t heard?”Miyuki asked “The first-years and the upperclassmen are having a game.”

“WHAT!?!”Eijun shouted then he grabbed Miyuki by the shirt and started shaking him “I haven’t heard anything about that! Can I play? Can I?”

“Ei-chan let Miyuki-kun down and let’s talk about this rationally.”Hikari replied

Eijun dropped the upperclassman and turned to the one first year he looked up to.

“Ri-chan am I going to be able to play?”Eijun asked

“You should be able to since you are a first year, but you might have to wait to pitch. Coach will probably pick who plays where…so don’t get your feelings hurt when you don’t get to pitch right off the bat okay?”Hikari replied

“Yes Ma’am.”Eijun replied “Wait, are you going to be our coach??”

Hikari giggled and said:

“Nope, I’m not a loud to give any pointers or anything during the game or the days that leads to the game. I’m only able to sit on the sidelines and take notes.”

Miyuki hated being ignored so he decided to step into the conversation:

“Usually, the first-years only do basic strength training. They don’t participate in the first-string tryouts. But after our last game, we’re a little desperate.”Miyuki said

About that time the three heard someone walk up.

“Um.” the voice said

The three looked to see who it was. Hikari, Miyuki, and Eijun were shocked to see who it was.

“Can I sit next to you?”Furuya asked Miyuki

“It’s you!”Eijun cried

“Excuse me.”Furuya replied knocking Eijun out of his seat.

Hikari and Miyuki watched in amazement and worried.

“WHY ARE YOU SITTING THERE!?”Eijun asked Furuya.

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