The missing Regular and Eijun's first step

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Eijun was still kneeled in front of Chris and his dad.

“It may be a waste of time for you to practice with someone like me. But I have an impossible request. Please….please….please teach me baseball.

Chris looked at Eijun with an indifferent look. Hikari couldn’t tell if the two were making progress or her bringing Eijun here was a big waist of time… Chris’ dad made himself known, and boy was he mad.

“Who is this crazy boy? Is he someone from your high school team? He must be since he is with Hikari. Yu, I’ve told you to stop going to practice. If you break your shoulder again, you’ll  never be able to play again.”Chris’ dad said then walks to Eijun “Hey, Boy! Don’t come near my son. Hikari I told you to stop things like this from happening! Unless you want a repeat of what happened last year….and boy if you want to learn baseball you should read this first…”

Chris’ dad then reaches behind him on a table and grabbed a boy and said:

“It’s written by Jorge Animal, former major leaguer.”

Eijun grabbed the book and threw it in the air.

“Who needs this crap??”Eijun asked

“NO!”Chris’ dad cried

“I’m speaking with Chris-Senpai!”Eijun cried

Hikari stiffened a giggle and shared a look with Chris.

“Do you not know who animal is?”Chris’ dad asked

“Not even a bit!”Eijun cried

Hikari placed a hand on Eijun’s shoulder and said:

“We need to get back before lights out…and Chris-nii needs to get back to his warm-ups.”

Eijun looked at Hikari and saw something in her eyes that bothered him.

“Alright Ri-chan.”Eijun said but turned to Chris and said “I’m not giving up!”

The two walked out and was about to leave, but Eijun had to go to the toilet. So Hikari decided to check her phone.

‘What the heck? 102 text messages? 129 missed calls? 60 voice mails….. Who the heck are these from…..oh shoot I’m dead…..Yuki-nii, Ryo-nii, Jun-nii, Masa-chan, Kura-chan, Mi-chan, Fu-chan….let’s see what Mi-chan’s last message….’Hikari thought

‘To: Hikari >.>

From: Miyuki ^.^

Message: Where the heck are you? I think Captain is about to go crazy? Everyone is worried sick! Do you not know how to tell someone what you are doing?’

Hikari went to Kura-chan’s message next.

‘To: Hikari :)

From: Kura-chan *.*

Message: Hime where are you? Coach is looking for you. Everyone is worried sick, if it’s something Sawamura did I’ll kill him…call one of us back!’

The more messages she read the more she saw how worried the boys were….She didn’t think they would be so worried. Eijun came and they got into the taxi and started on their way back to school. Hikari turned her phone volume back up loud, and stuck it in between her and Eijun. As soon as she did I Don’t Care by Fall Out Boy started to play. Hikari grabbed her phone.

“Hello?”Hikari answered

“HIME WHERE ARE YOU?!”A voice shouted

“I’m on my way back to school with Eijun, I’m sorry to worry you Kura-chan.”Hikari said

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