Chapter 2

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Ambers POV

"Honey wake up, come on

Baby girl" I heard my dads voice. he had been standing there for 10 minutes trying to get me up.

"Mhmmm" was my response this time

"Alright fine be that way you asked for it" I heard his foots steps fade in the distance until there was silence

"Finally" I closed my eyes and kept the blanked close

I was almost asleep when I felt the mix of water and ice hit my body.

"DAAAAAAADDDD"i screamed

My mom came rushing in and laughed when she saw what happened

"Yes darlin" my father said in and innocent tone

Ha.innocent my butt


"Well the answer is simple you wouldn't wake up so I pored and drenched you in water/ice" he told me once he and mom had calmed down from their laughter

I just sat there stunned. I can't believe he did that.

"Alright now that your up get dressed and come down stairs for breakfast"

My mom told me

Once they left my room I went to my closet and picked out some skinny jeans and a shirt that said

'Life is art live yours in color'

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"So were is my new 'brother' gonna sleep?" Mom slid some eggs and bacon in front off me

"Right across from your room" mom said

"Isn't that your hunting room dad?" I asked

Dads always been real big about hunting, he even got me to go and I shot my first deer two weeks before my 13 birthday. but when I say that dads into hunting I mean he's obsessed with it.Its kind of like how I am with soccer, just a little more intense he doesn't let anyone touch any of his animals that he stuffed after he shot them

"Yes but your mother convinced me to put them in the basement" dad said with a frown but covering with a fake smile when mom gave him a look

When I was done eating I out my plate away in the sink and plopped on the couch and turned on a soccer game.

"Okay honey were leaving. we will be back soon and remember to call us if you need anything, oh and your brothes boxes for his room are upstairs so please do not go snoping in them" my mother spoke and kissed me on my forehead along with my father and left to go get the new member of my family.


4hours later






"Ugh there is nothing on television" I threw my head back and screamed into a pillow

My parents have been gone for at least 4 hours and I'm dying of boredom.

I stop screaming for a minute only to hear the garage door open.

I flung out of my seat and met my parents at the door

"He's not here. He drove his own car, but he had to stop for gas so he should be here any minute" dad said when he saw me looking for a new face

"Okay, well then in that case I'm going out to the back yard" I said and took off.

I wonder what having a new brother will be like?

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