chapter 2 [boy friend]

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It was probably already known that having 6 identical brothers, sextuplets as the people call it is not exactly always fun, but after living 17 years with them, you're probably used to it.

You knew that deep down that your brother care for you but sometimes they cared too much to the point that it's a bit overbearing.

But this.

This is just..

"So.. how long have you been dating my dear old cutesy little sister HAH?" Osomatsu started leaning in against the wall looking at the poor boy you brought over.

"Um..w-we're actually not-"

"NONoNo..don't be shy." Todomatsu interrupted. "I mean, it's not that we'll do anything too bad.."

"N-no we're r-really not-"

" tell us how did the two of you meet," Ichimatsu asked- no commanded this time.

"Nii-san-tachi! No! Don't scare him! He's here to tutor me on my-"

"Stay out of this (y/n)-chan." Jyushimatsu uttered out, pushing you backward. You looked up at him and almost tense up at how this usually happy go lucky older brother of yours is now glaring at your classmate.

The boy looked at you with horror as if asking for your help, no anybody to help him, but he was forced to look up when one of your brothers screamed again.

"SO?" Karamatsu raised a brow at the boy. " What else did you two have done together hm? Is really just going to be a normal tutoring?"

"KARAMATSU-NIISAN! EVERYONE STOP IT!" You finally screamed fed up with their behavior. "He's not doing anything or plans to do anything suspicious! He's just here to teach me with math!"

"Why him? Why don't you ask one of us for help?" Choromatsu asked.

"Why?" You scoffed out. "Is that even a question? Because you guys are ahos! Now if you excuse me, We'll be going."

And so without hearing any word from your brothers, you dragged the poor boy into your room.

"I am so sorry, Kaidou-kun!" You quickly bowed down to the light bluenette boy once you were inside. "My brothers are a bit...unique, they like to do weird and scary stuff sometimes- I am so sorry!"

The boy was trembling in his place not really moving a slightest..just there terrified.

"Hey.Kaido-kun?" You asked out waving a hand in front of him. "Kaido-"

You stop yourself from talking when you realized that he was not looking at you at all..instead of something on the upper side of the ceiling-

You looked back to see what's he's looking at and much to your dismay it's who you thought it is.

"Jyushimatsu-nii?!" You screamed out loud, looking at your older brother on the ceiling doing the spiderman crawl. "Nii-san!? Get down from there!"

Before you could scream anymore another voice distracted you from Jyushimatsu but istead focusing on your other brothers that had fallen out of the closet. You look at the 2 in disbelieve before leaving a sly remark.

"Took you forever for you to get out of the closet." You said slowly, before tightening your fist. "But on a serious note...please get out all of you that's in this room!"

All of them got out just like what you thought. Yes, all of them. 6 of them. Some of them came out of their hiding place who knows who and get out of your room.

"Now..that they're gone shall we-"

"(Y-y/n)-s-san...c-can we do t-this s-some other time? I-I..just remember I have things to do." The light bluenette boy stuttered out nervously before packing his stuff.

"Huh? No, wai-"

Before you can reach out to him, he was already gone. Left with any consent what so ever.




This book will probably not have a consistent update.
I'll probably just update it when I feel like it.

Regardless of what I hope you still like this chapter!

If you like it and have any suggestion please feel free to vote and comment down below!

See you in the next!

For the love of my brothers. (Osomatsu-san x reader)Where stories live. Discover now