Wandering Child

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Mal woke to the sound of clashing blades.

Sparks flew and a malicious drive drew them both.

Uma was about cheat the game by drowning Harry with summoned water.

Mal flung a bottle of cheap booze near her.

"Water-wench, that's my pirate you're trying to kill.

Oh, and my husband."

She smirked then dodged a mini tsunami caused by a   thunderous seafood.

"I'm not a wench, purple-locks. '

Mal buffed her nails with a rusty blade before hacking off half of Uma's greasy braids.

"There..A vast improvement."

(Thug life.XD)

She gingerly stroked the remnants of her hair before taking out her own cutlass.

And while the once best friends battled, war was  being raged above the deck.

It was civil war at the Isle.

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Thanks so much!
I would like to thank my friends, my family and my one true love....

And my  ex.Bed.

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