♡ Chapter 12 ♡

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"Where d'you suppose this goes?"
"I have a hunch... I just hope I'm wrong."


Clasping each other into one another, Audrey, Harry and Hermione trudged down the passage way; observing how the mud and dirt began to disappear under moldy, deader-than-a-doornail wooden planks "We're in the shrieking shack now. Aren't we?" Hermione stuttered,
"I dunno Mione, it might just be a-a..." A cry alerted them to Rons presence above; they found him on a sofa, clutching his leg in one arm and Scabbers in the other. "Ron!"
"The dog where is it?"
"Harry, it's a trap! He's the dog! He's an Animagus!" He pointed behind the creaking door, abruptly shutting to reveal him. The matted, grease-ridden black hair. The pasty skin. And the sunken eyes... "Sirius Black..."

His eyes darted to Audrey, Harry, then back to Audrey. The stare was too intense to ignore, Audrey faced him aggressively, "You can't have Harry. You'll have to kill all of us before you get to him!" He snickered, it was comical? A girl standing before a mass murderer claiming he'll have to murder them to get to Harry. "Only one will die tonight"
"And it will be you!!!" Harry charged forwards, attacking Black pushing him to the ground.
Just then, Lupin burst through the doors, "Expelliarmus!"

Harry's wand flew to the other side of the room. Audrey beckoned him back, watching as her eyes betrayed her,
"Well, well Sirius looking rather ragged aren't we? Finally, flesh reflects the madness within"
"You'd know about 'the madness within' wouldn't you Remus?" Lupin lowered his wand and embraced him?!!!
"I trusted you! And all this time, you were his friend. He's a werewolf! That's why he misses classes!"
"How long have you known?"
"Since Professor Snape set the essay"
"Truly the brightest witch of your age I've ever met-" Sirius grew impatient. "Enought talk Remus" he boomed, "let's kill him"
"I DID MY WAITING! TWELVE YEARS OF IT, IN AZKABAN!" his voice broke at the last part, Audrey felt a shred of sympathy for him. Lupin huffed, handing Black his wand, "Very well, kill him. But wait one more minute, Harry and Audrey deserve to know why"
"I know why. You betrayed my parents! You're the reason they're dead! And I bet you want to kill Audrey because of her muggleborn status"
"No. Harry, Audrey isn't muggleborn"
"What?" Harry turned to her; his face reddening.  "I wasn't born to the Dursleys Harry" she paused, "I'm still looking for my family- Dumbledore knew my mother"
"Who was she?"
"She was adopted by The Evans' family... Her name was Quinn Evans"
"Quinnie" Audrey turned to Black wary this could be a trap; "How did you know my mother?"
"She- she was m-my Fiancé."
"No. She- she couldn't have been, she... Does that mean?"
"Sirius isn't your Father Audrey" Hermione interrupted, "He was... in Azkaban when you were born"
"So, so who's my father?!"
Lupin hand rose, "I can answer that. After Sirius was put in Azkaban, she was taken hostage by a rogue faction of Death Eaters not believing their master was dead" everyone looked at Harry, "Quinn... was taken advantage of by their pet. An incubus."


"Harry it wasn't Sirius it was someone I thought to be dead" Remus injected, Audrey staggered backward. "Who was it then? You might as well say one of my friends because it seems like everyone's been keeping secrets"
'Not again!'
"PETER PETEGREW! And he's in this room right now- come out Peter! Come out! Come out and playyyy-" Snape appeared from under Harry's invisibility cloak. "Expelliarmus!" Lupin's wand shot out of Sirius' hand. "Vengence is sweet. I hoped to be the one to catch you"
"Severus-" Snape held his wand to Lupin to say back off, "I told Dumbledore you were helping you're old friend into the castle and now... here's the proof" they began to squabble and Audreys eyes began to burn, her hands tingled, "Severus you're making a mistake-"
"After you" he notioned the children towards the door. Audrey couldn't control it. Her fingertips began to crack and emit a luminescent glow. Quicker than the blink of an eye, Snape fell unconscious on the floor. "DRIE?! What did you do?!" Ron croaked,
"You attacked a teacher-"
"Pettigrew. Explanation... Now."


"He was at school with us, we thought he was our friend" Lupin pressed on, Harry insisted on defying him, "No. Pettigrew's dead- you killed him!"
"I thought so too until you mentioned seeing him on the map"
"The map was lying then?" Audrey boomed,
"It never lies. He's alive. And right there" when Sirius directed our attention to Ron; everyone was confused. "Me? That's mental-"
"Not you Ron" Lupin coaxed him, "Your rat" Ron held on protectively to his scrawny rat, like he was a child, "Scabbers has been in my family for-"
"Twelve years. Curiously long life for a common garden rat isn't it? And he's missing a toe!"
"So what?"
"All they could find was his finger" Sirius growled, "the coward cut it off so that everyone would believe in his death! And then he transformed into a rat!" His eyes were fixated on the now squealing rat.

"Show us, then."

Ron struggled as Black wormed his hands around the rat, "Ready Remus" he said gruffly, as Lupin handed Black Snape's wand, "Together." Scabbers squirmed in mid air as the two wizards held him up to cast the revealing spell. In a cloud of smoke came the quivering please of mercy from non other than Peter Pettigrew: alive. But not for long.

Finally! The reveals are piling up. Soo much happened in these last few chapters and I'm LOVING IT!! Don't judge a fangirl// writer ;)) If you have any questions on what an incubus is for this story, just comment and I'll answer them! Bye lovelies!!! 

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