♡ Chapter 2 ♡

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Trudging downstairs with Harry, Vernon bounded towards us like a murderous psychopath, purple summer his tomato toned faced; unlike anything Audrey had seen towards her before, "You bring her back! You bring her back now and put her right!" Harry and I shook our heads, "Sorry, but she deserved what she got-" Audrey said solemnly, before Vernon ran at her his hands in a chokehold position. Audrey fell backwards bashing her head and Harry wiped out his wand pointing it at his uncle. "Keep away from her!" Immediately, Vernon backed off, "You're not aloud to use magic outside school" Vernon heaved heavily,
"Yeah? Try me---"
"They won't let you back now- you have nowhere to go" Harry helped Audrey to her feet; "I don't care. Anywhere better than here." Audrey heard Vernon call back for her, "Now you're completely disowned child! Siding with the abnormal-" was all she heard before they turned a corner onto Magnolia crescent.


Harry panted passing many identical homes on Magnolia cresent, sitting down by the small gap between 11 and 12. "I can't believe them!" Harry growled,
"Its fine cousin, honestly-"
"But they can't disown you! Now because-"
"Because what?" Audrey insisted, taking a place beside him; she pulled her hair back trying to diminish the sweat on the back of her neck. "Because of me you're not at home, with your family and being happy"
"You are thick right?" She asked huffing, "I'm not at home with my 'family' because they hate what I am. To be honest I consider you my family H-" Abruptly, she stopped speaking that weird feeling came back though it was slightly different? That moment when you know something truly bad is near. Audrey peered down the gap between 11 and 12, two twinkling eyes followed Audrey's stare, she couldn't breathe. "Lumos" Harry enunciated, casting a bright light down onto a giant black dog, almost bear like and frightening; Audrey stood stationary, feeling as though she was trapped. Harry held her hand. The dog barked ferociously, causing Harry to pull Audrey too as he fell. Then, out of thin air, a mountainous violet triple decker bus appeared before them, a young man that looked to be in his early twenties greeted them, pimply and oddly rat-faced.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for a witch or wizard. To call us hold out your wand arm and we'll be there, my name's Stan Shunpike and I'll be you're conductor for this evening" he finished, looking down at the two curiously, "What'cha doing down there?"
"We fell over"
"What'cha fall over for?"
Harry grunted in defeat, "We didn't do it on purpose" he said handing Stan his trunk before stepping onto the bus; Audrey trailed behind. The bus was unlike anything Audrey had ever seen, on each floor lay 8 four poster beds with what looked to be old men and women in them, sleeping. Audrey and Harry sat next to one another, watching as the bus revved to life. It travelled extremely fast. Audrey almost fell off the bed. The driver almost crashed into a farmhouse but miracously it moved itself as it seemed everything else did. "What did you say your names were again?" Stan asked them, Audrey stuttered, "Hermione Granger-"
"And Neville Longbottom" Audrey could only imagine if the actual Hermione found out about her using her name, from Harry's description she'd be furious. If she'd ever meet her that is.

While on their journey to the 'Leaky Cauldron', Audrey noticed the paper Stan was now holding, "The pictures are moving" she gasped,
"Aint you ever seen a Daily Prophet before Granger?" Harry looked nervous, "U-uh... No. Muggleborn, about to start school" Stan tutted,
"I see"
"Who's that by the way?" Harry asked looking at the shaggy haired man on the Daily Prophet, "That's Sirius Black that is. He's a murderer, got himself locked up in Azkaban for it. He was a big supporter of... You-Know-who."


As far as Audrey now knew, Azkaban was a prison for bad wizards and witches and Sirius Black was the worst of the worst. She'd be mortified to be near him.

The Knight Bus skidded to a halt outside a shabby looking pub, Audrey shuddered at first glance this definitely was an old place, a man in a bowler hat held Harry's shoulder beaming warmly. "Good evening, Harry and Audrey. I'm Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic- may I have a word with you both separately?" They nodded anxiously. Audrey felt close to tears, in one night she'd ran away from home and been caught by a Minister for Magic and obviously wouldn't be getting her Hogwarts letter now. At times she wished she could be somebody else.

"Ms. Dursley, the Minister will see you now-" Tom, the bar keeper announced, guiding her to his office, she gulped as she saw his face was stern and slightly worried looking. "Hello young Audrey, please sit" she did so, "We have something to give you-" he said his hand holding a letter with red seal waxing. Audrey let a few tears escape her eyes, the Minister watched her open it rapidly; now smiling.

Dear Ms. A Dursley,

We are pleased to inform you, that you've been accepted to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. For your uniform and equipment please see the enclosed parchment, please go to Kings cross station on September 1st,

Signed M Mcgonagall
Deputy Headmistress.


"Is this a cruel joke?" Audrey asked, Fudge looked confused, "My dear girl, your education is not a joke. You are attending Hogwarts, I've instructed Mr. Potter to show you around until the school term and also help you collect your supplies-" Audrey skipped merrily to the door before, "Oh! And Audrey-"
"Yes Minister?"
"Your parents have said that they'll take you and Harry back next summer." Slamming the door, her heart began to race as if it were her last, "Oh joy."

And I bet you all saw that coming right? I'm so sorry for being so predictable. It's my flaw- I'm the worst writer ever. See you next time lovelies!

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