♡ Chapter 9 ♡

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"Excuse me?"
Harry abruptly changed his time from quiet to booming loud, "Damn it Audrey! Please, j-just don't tell people that you know. It was all my fault"
"It's fine, I guess. Harry- promise me that you'll stay by me through this" he nodded. Both grinning from ear to ear, they walked along the corridors in silence until, "Hold on- Earlier... you said something about Malfoys brother..."
Heart racing, Audrey bolted off at full speed trying to escape death at her cousins hands, "Great irony" she muttered.


Not only were Audrey and Harry close, they were closer than ever before! During class breaks, breakfast and lunch, they would be found in a huddle together with their other friends: gossping away.
"Hagrid did what?!" Audrey asked clutching her head,
"He brought in a Hippogriff, Draco got slashed up for being the git he is..." Ron grunted, stuffing yet another toast slice in his mouth, "At least he wasn't fired"
"Yeah, but Nick told me his father's fuming. We haven't heard the end of-"
"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!"
Seamus sqwaked, "Who?"
"Sirius Black-" Hermione swiped up the Prophet paper, "Dufftown!?" She glanced up at Harry and Audrey. "That's not far from here" Audrey felt drained. As though being pulled down on an invisible string.
"Y-you don't think he'd come... to Hogwarts d-do you?"
"There's Dementor's covering every inch of the grounds-"
"He's already slipped passed them once hasn't he? Who's to say he wouldn't do it again??"
Head thumping. Her vision began to blurr, vulnerable, weak. "Don't forget there's always Dumble-" Thump "- Audrey?"
"Audrey?! Audrey!!"

Before she closed her eyes, Audrey swore she saw a burning flame. Engulfed by them, was a familiar girl. Hollowed eyes. Pure darkness.


"How has she been?"
A woman sighed, "She's not woken up yet. Had many visitors including Potter and even Professor Snape"
"Truly remarkable: isn't she?"
"Indeed Dumbledore"
"When she awakes she shall know the truth-" Dumbledore heaved,
"The truth Sir?"
"Well, Poppy. Audrey Dursley isn't a muggleborn she-"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Audrey wailed and writhed in her hospital bed. Crying out in different tongues such that Dumbledore hasn't ever heard. "Audrey, Audrey... shhh" Dumbledore coaxed her to his chest, Audrey held on for life, "Sir? What happened?"
"You fell into a deep comatose- did you will yourself awake-"
"How long?"
"Two days. Audrey, you must rest" she stood up glancing out at the Quidditch pitch; undoubtedly Harry was there.
"I saw things Professor- things that nobody knows- I'm not resting until Sirius Black is caught." Dumbledore smiled. "You truly are your mother's daughter. Quite chivalrous" Audrey was taken aback, she turned on her heel; dark ginger-brown hair gleaming in the afternoon light,
"I disagree. Petunia Dursley-"

"Is not your mother." Her icy eyes widened to saucepans, "Sir?"
"Let me tell you everything about your real past, Audrey. How you came to be with the Dursleys. How yours and Harry's pasts are entwined in more ways than possible..."

Oohhh... Short chapter!! Soz guys. Poor Audreys been through soo much already and it's only her first year. I'm sorry- I just love this drama!!! Love you loads!!! Can't wait for next chapter!!!!

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