6. Name: Notsuga Point Class 1-B

Age: 14 Gender: female Appearance: hot pink short hair, 5 feet 7 inches, brown eyes, her clothes have a huge amount of pockets with small objects and detachable pieces to use her quirk.Quirk: gravity pointWhen she touches an object she can mark it. Then when she chooses to the object will become the centre of a gravity field that will pull or push everything in a radius. Weakness: causing a pulse takes stamina the larger the field the more stamina is required. The gravity field will all be 10 times that of the marked object and can't be changed and her limit is a volume of 10 metres at that is the absolute limit. Once activated the gravity field will only last for 10 seconds. Once used she cannot use the same object unless she touches it again. Also she can be affected by the gravity field. Personality: very antisocial, stays away from people but if approached she will gladly socialize with them, takes inspiration from erasurehead (and maybe Shinso if he's a hero) By Sceptile63

7. Name: Dinge Hastaki Class 1-A

 Age: 14 Gender: male Personality: when he is in a good mood, he's a energic,kind and friendly person but he can get angry easily,when this happens he became silent,serious and kinda scary Appearance: he is very tall,has short black hair and brown eyes that turn to glowing grey when he use his quirk,his skin is very pale and he is very skinny Quirk: smoke- he has the ability to generate smoke from his back and turn it into diferents things like tentacles or wings,the smoke is solid and he can move things or attack with it Drawbacks:-if he overuse his quirk he will start to suffocate -the smoke have to be in contact with his back or will dissapear -to make his quirk work he have to breath smoke(he use cigarettes to activate it,hes inmune to the effects of smoking) Extra facts: Has arachnophobia -he want to become a hero only to use his quirk freely without the cops or other heroes stopping him -his hero suit consist in normal clothes and a smoke mask that can generate smoke for him to breath and activate his quirk. By scaryrux_15

8. Whizze Kamei Class 1-B

My character is Whizze Kamei Personality:kind and really does not like talk people but always willing to help protect anyone and never does to much damage to someone Looks like:has white hair with orange tip. Always wear a sweater. Has blue eyes. And black jean Quirk:air/wind Description of quirk: when he use air he can shoot blasts of air but when he uses it he get tired and get some cuts. by jacksmiths

9. Kinyiu Vadiu Class 1-B

Age: 16 Personality: oblivious, detached, will put as little effort as necessary, Gender: Male Appearance: 5 feet 2 inches, blonde hair, black eyes, wears blood red clothing in case he overdoes his quirk.Quirk: bodyshot Has the ability to cause parts of his body to shoot off at the speed of a bullet. The body parts can be reattached but while it's gone it will be painless but it will act like it was sliced off. If a vital area is shot like the heart is shot he will die instantly so he is forced to use things like fingernails large clumps of hair and his teeth. by Sceptile63

10. Koini Piegy Class 1-A

Appearance: electric blue spiky hair, bright yellow eyes, height and weight are changed with his quirk, Quirk: electrobodyAllows the user to turn there body into pure electricity. This allows him to go through electrical wires or move at literal lightning speed. It also allows him to launch electrical projectiles. Weakness: as their body is made of electricity when it is discharged or fired as a projectile they will lose parts of their body. At first he uses his fat cells and can fire 20 projectiles and can move as lightning for 5 metres total and can fire a total of 5 shoots projectiles with blood and a total of 1 metre using blood. Going over this can be dangerous or even deadly. Also they can regenerate by absorbing electricity from the surrounding areaPersonality: Hyperactive, very happy, nothing could make him sad or angry, seems to have infinite energy.However with a low charge he is slow tired and emotionally unstable by Sceptile63

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