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     The Knife soared through the air and hit the bulls-eye mark on the target board. 

    "You're getting better, but you're still just a Deku" The Man said to Izuku. 

     "What do you think of it, Newbie?" Tomura said as he turned to the young new recruit.

      "U-Um.. Yeah! That was great!" The new recruit replied.

      "Still queasy huh? It gets easier the longer you're doing 'good'. By the way Newbie, what's your name?" Tomura said, looking at his 'toy' instead of looking at the new recruit.

      "M-My name.. Sir? Well it's Uh.. Ura...Urachiko Kimini" The girl said.

      "That's nice to know, since you're part of the team now. We gotta communicate, you know?" Tomura said.

       "Mhm! Yes sir!" 'Urachiko' said, nodding vigorously.

        "By the way, you seem.. Gleeful. Why is it that you wanted to become a villain?" Tomura asked.

         "Well, um.. Heroes now-a-days, they just care about being noticed, they want credit. A real hero would do something without needing a thank you. I would like to change this, since all heroes are becoming selfish, and when push comes to shove, they would run rather than standing their own ground." 'Urachiko' said, thinking of the one person she actually thought was a true hero. Someone she had to save.

          "I see your point. You have great reasons for wanting to do this. You've joined a great cause, and even if you die, like ol' Stain, you'll leave a lasting mark on the world, a 'Stain' if you will." Tomura said with a slight grin.

            'Urachiko' let out a small sigh of relief. She hadn't been found out. Tomura might even trust her more now.


          "Well, we're going out soon and we might need that quirk of yours, wanna' come?" Tomura inquired.

      "No.. Sorry I have to go home or my family will worry.." 'Urachiko' said. 

       "Shame, Kimini, that really would have helped us. But we shouldn't risk being found out. Dismissed." Tomura said with a wave of the hand. 


      Uraraka began to walk home, thinking about what had happened that day, and how close she was to rescuing Deku. She had a strange feeling in her stomach though. She was feeling sick for just standing on the side lines, being so close to him, but not being able to do anything. She knew that what she was doing was helping him more than anything, but she wanted to make sure he was okay. She had been an undercover agent to do reconnaissance to figure out the layout of the base. It's been about a week since she had 'joined' them, so she had gotten used to their tricks. 

      She even knew she was being followed, so she had rented an a room in an apartment building. She usually waited there for an hour since she figured they would wait to see if she came out and went to a place, any place, or if she was acting suspicious.

       They still didn't trust her completely, but she had almost won them over. She'd been doing this for 2 weeks. They almost seemed to trust her. But even if she was so close to saving Deku, the pain never seemed to lessen with every time she saw Midoriya that way.. But she's doing this for him. The heroes almost have enough information to send an elite team to get Midoriya. She ate dinner, thinking about what happened that day. She finished up and quickly headed back to the UA for the usual meeting.

Bnha FanFiction - Change Always ComesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin