Chapter Seven

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Steves pov

Natasha pulls into her parking spot not even reversing to see if she's Parked straight. Everyone jumps out and Clint says another thank you to Nat and quickly runs into school to find his friends.

"Thanks Nat" I smile at her as we all slam the doors shut and begin walking towards school.

"Natasha!" A voice from behind us calls out, we all turn around to be greeted a boy with short brown hair dressed in a grey shirt and a football jacket to top it all off, even though I'm sure I haven't seen him at any training practices.

"Thor! long-time no see buddy" Bucky gives him a hug.

"What the fuck happened to your hair?" Natasha laughs playing with her friends now short hair.

"Long story" Thor smiled, then looked at me. "I'm Thor" he puts out his hand for me shake it and I do.

"Steve rogers" I smile at him and we all head into school.

"how was seeing your dad?" Sam asked when we stopped at Natashas locker putting her homework and books into it and taking out her needed books.

"Good, just more lectures about me taking on the family business" He rolled his eyes as the first school bell rang

"See you boys at lunch" Nat smiles walking off and disappearing into the crowd of scrambling students.

I walk into my History class and take a seat at the back, waiting for my teacher to actually show up.

"oh Rogers!" I hear my name and quickly poke my head up from my text book and see Clint walking towards me.

"Oh hey Barton, You're in this class?" I question closing my textbook as he takes a seat next to me

"I normally ditch this class, like seriously who needs history? I like to not focus on the past" He begins and I go to present an agruement to his statement but shut my mouth as he starts talking again "Anyway, I was looking for Tony everywhere this morning and I've had no luck"

"I haven't seen him sorry.." Why is he asking me?

"Really? I was really hoping he had come to you" Clint frowns, Wow I've never seen him like this.

"Why would you think that?" I try and ask him the nicest I could.

"Because I thought you two where close? He talks about you alot" Clint says as both our faces fill with confusion. But Tony told me to stay out of his business just yesterday? "any way, can you please just try and text him for me, Neither Banner or I can get in touch with him"

I nod and give him a smile "Sure, and I'm sure he's fine" I pat his back as the teacher walks into the class and we get started with the lesson. Tony talks about me?

The bell finally goes for lunch and I quickly head into the cafeteria in search for my friends. I look over at Tonys table and he is still not here, just Clint, Banner and Clints friend.

"Hey Steve!" I hear Natasha call out and I walk over to the table were Thor and her already had their stuff spread out among the table. "How was art class?"

"Really good I guess" I smile, she and Bucky were the only ones I had told about my artistic side, even though I have only known Nat for less than a week she has already become someone I can really trust.

"So I hear you're from Brooklyn?" Thor says, starting to make small talk, I nod in response as a feel an arm fling around my neck.

"Hey bud" Bucky smiled, climbing over the seat throwing his stuff onto the table right onto of Natashas stuff which made her roll her eyes and stick up her middle finger, removing her stuff from underneath his.

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