Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

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Obviously, the prospect of being blown to oblivion isn't the way most people would want to go. And when the bomb drops, the only thing I will do is go outside and have a look knowing that it is the last thing I would see.

So, understandabley, there are many organisations that aim to minimise the threat of nuclear war and hopefully iradicate it entirely. I am a member of what is perhaps the most famous of these organisations, and you will recognise the logo.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (or CND) is a non-violent organisation based in Britain which fights against Nuclear weapons and some even nuclear power. It's symbol has become known worldwide as the "peace symbol". It's members tend to be pacifists (like me) and hold peaceful protests about contreversial issues.

If you have time, I would seriously reccomend you check out their website:

The more interest we get, the more power we have, and the safer we shall be in the long run.

Again, I am not asking you to join, just take a look. It's historical sections are interesting if nothing else. Thank you xx

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